
widget layer choice of the itowns framework

itowns, javascript, nodejs, threejs, webgl-game, webgl2
npm install @ud-viz/widget_legonizer@4.2.0


UD-Viz : Urban Data Vizualisation

CodeQL CI status Documentation Status

UD-Viz is a javascript mono repository for creating web applications for visualizing and interacting with geospatial 3D urban data.

Online documentationDevelopersLicenseGetting StartedArchitecture

Online demos:

UD-VizExamples Mosaic IMUV Flying Campus Mosaic Deambulation Bron Mosaic

UI Data Driven Mosaic Multimedia Viz Mosaic Multimedia Viz Mosaic

3D tiles related

Py3dTilers Mosaic Point Clouds Mosaic

Directory Hierarchy

UD-Viz (repo)
├── bin                       # Monorepo scripts
├── docs                      # Documentation
├── examples                  # Examples of the ud-viz framework
├── test                      # Monorepo test scripts
├── packages                  # Packages folder
├── .eslintrc.js              # Linting rules and configuration
├── .gitignore                # Files/folders ignored by Git
├── .prettierrc               # Formatting rules
├── travis.yml                # Continuous integration entrypoint
├── favicon.ico               # Landing page icon
├── index.html                # Landing page entrypoint
├── package-lock.json         # Latest npm package installation file
├── package.json              # Global npm project description
├── Readme.md                 # It's a me, Mario!
├── style.css                 # Landing page style

Github repositories:

Repository Link Description
UD-Viz-docker https://github.com/VCityTeam/UD-Viz-docker Docker, which performs all the steps described in Getting Started.
UD-Viz-template https://github.com/VCityTeam/UD-Viz-template A basis for creating your application using UD-Viz.

Getting Started

Installing node/npm

For the node/npm installation instructions refer here

UD-Viz has been reported to work with versions:

  • node version 18.X
  • npm version: 9.X

Installing the UD-Viz framework per se

Clone the UD-Viz repository and install requirements with npm

git clone https://github.com/VCityTeam/UD-Viz.git
cd UD-Viz
npm install # resolve dependencies based on the package.json (and package-lock.json if it exists)

Install ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick

For the install imagemagick and graphicsmagick binary sub dependencies since the server needs gm.

  • Linux

     sudo apt-get install -y imagemagick graphicsmagick
  • Windows

    • It seems not necessary to install imagemagick on windows.
    • Download and install graphicsmagick from graphicmagick-binaries (@ud-viz/game_node_template has been reported to work with version 1.3.34-Q8)

    ⚠️ TIP : allias gm doesn't work in powershell because it conflicts with the command Get-Member !!!!

  • OSX

    brew install imagemagick graphicsmagick

How to run it locally?

npm run start

After running go to localhost:8000 which links to documentation and examples