Xola's icon set

design-system, react, tailwindcss, uikit
npm install @xola/icons@1.0.7


Xola UI Kit

Xola's React component library with Tailwind CSS for the next generation of Xola apps.

This repository is published as two pieces:

  1. @xola/ui-kit
  2. @xola/icons

It's storybook is publicly published at ui.xola.io. The icons can be previewed there as well.


  • Node.js v16
  • NPM v7 or higher


Install the UI kit:

npm install @xola/ui-kit

Install peer dependencies:

npm install autoprefixer postcss tailwindcss lodash

Create PostCSS and Tailwind config files:

echo 'module.exports = require("@xola/ui-kit/tailwind.config");' > tailwind.config.js
echo 'module.exports = require("@xola/ui-kit/postcss.config");' > postcss.config.js

Import main CSS files in your project:

import "@xola/ui-kit/index.css";
import "@xola/ui-kit/build/style.css";

UI kit expects you already have a working React dev environment with PostCSS support.

Import and use the components:

import { Button } from "@xola/ui-kit";



Install all required dependencies:

$ nvm use # Project needs Node.js v16 with NPM v7
$ npm install

Start the Storybook development server:

$ npm start


Integrate your app with a locally installed UI Kit

In order for this to work you will have to set up an NPM workspace. That means, ui-kit and your-project has to be in the same directory.

Start by creating a package.json file in your "workspace" directory with the following content:

    "workspaces": ["ui-kit", "your-project"]

Your workspace directory should also contain .npmrc and .nvmrc files. Copy them from this project:

$ cd workspace
$ cp ui-kit/.npmrc .
$ cp ui-kit/.nvmrc .

Now we're ready to install the dependencies for both projects:

$ cd workspace
$ npm install

If all went well, NPM will use locally installed ui-kit in your-project.

Next, start the build command from ui-kit:

$ cd ui-kit
$ npm run build -- --watch

This will build and watch for changes the ui-kit project. Any change made in the ui-kit should be visible in your-project.

If you don't see any changes in your project, that probably means that NPM installed a separate package in your your-project/node_modules directory. To fix this, just remove the whole package with the following command:

$ cd your-project
$ rm -rf node_modules/@xola


If you encounter some package related issues, try removing the following directories and running the install command again:

$ cd workspace
$ rm -rf package-lock.json node_modules ui-kit/node_modules your-project/node_modules
$ npm install

Lint & Auto-fix

To automatically fix lint issues in this project you have the following commands:

npm run lint # Run lint on `src` and output issues
npm run lint:fix # Run lint and automatically fix any issues. Any that are not fixed are output to screen.


To avoid issues with how npm v7 resolves peer dependencies, we enabled legacy-peer-deps rule in .npmrc.

In order to avoid issues in your projects that are using this UI Kit, use the same .npmrc file or always run installs with --legacy-peer-deps flag.

For example:

$ npm install --legacy-peer-deps


$ npm install some-package --legacy-peer-deps

Publishing the Package

Install np which will help you publish the package

npm -g install np

Once you're ready, run this command to publish your package

npm run build
np <your-new-version> --tag=latest --yolo

Then make sure to push all the tags upstream to xola/ui-kit repo:

git push <upstream-remote> master --tags