
Shared XO config for my projects

xo, config, configuration
npm install @zardoy/xo-config@0.0.2


XO Config

This package doesn't use SemVer

Opinionated config (with comments).

How to Use

  1. Install XO and this config @zardoy/xo-config
  2. Create file .xo-config.js with module.exports = require('@zardoy/xo-config')
  3. Install VSCode extension for inline linting

Main Goal

I'm planning to make all my repos follow this config (especially when I figure out how to make a wrapper for XO).


  • Tab size: 4

It uses 4 spaces instead of hard tab, because not all websites have normalized tab size.

Or for another example, every tab in code printed in console would look like it has 8 spaces width. This rule doesn't make sense for me.


This config has disabled (at least I tried to disable) all options, that prettier can handle.

I always format code with prettier and fix all XO issues with CMD+SHIFT+I

For now, I didn't find a way (and don't know what's the best) to include that config in all my projects, so I'm explicitly including it only in popular ones:

    "prettier": {
        "semi": false,
        "singleQuote": true,
        "proseWrap": "never",
        "tabWidth": 4,
        "trailingComma": "all",
        "arrowParens": "avoid",
        "printWidth": 150

Mission: Make VSCode Smarter

TODO list