
Accredo Web Service API Mapping Library Generator

Accredo, Accredo5, Accredo-Map, Bizex, Web, API
npm install accredo-map@0.0.3



"accredo-map" is a tool of generating accredo related endpoints, functions and actions so developers can bind it into accredo for accessing Accredo data, for more information about the accredo package, please refer:

Please notice: normally you don't need to install it, just execute it by 'npx' command to generate the mapping library:

npx accredo-map --url="'demo')/$metadata?access_token=2fCTQBlFdTqHXBSz"
npx accredo-map --file="./source/metadata.xml" --company="test"


$npm i accredo-map

##Generate Mapping Library

There are two types of generating map files, either you can import from a remote $metadata url or the local $metadata file

Generate mapping files according to the remote url

node dist/accredo-map.js --url="http://localhost:6567/saturn/odata4/v1/company('demo')/"

Generate mapping files according to the local file

node dist/accredo-map.js --file="./source/metadata.xml" --company="test"

After executing one of the above commands, the script will generate a new folder with mapping files in the directory "accredo-map"


By Url


By Url with token


By File

--file="./source/metadata.xml" --company="test"

Optional, Set Destination Directory, "accredo-map" is the default value.


Optional, Set script files syntax, you can set "es5" or "es6", "es5" is the default value.


--es=es5/es6, es5 syntax as default


  • After executing one of the above commands, the generator will generate the related javascript files to "accredo-map/demo/*"
  • Import it to the accredo instance in your code as below, then you should be able to call all entities, functions and actions
const Accredo = require('accredo').default;
const accredo = new Accredo("http://localhost:6567/saturn/odata4/v1/company('demo')/");

// Start using at here:
    console.log("Got the customer:", customer, "plain object:", customer.toJSON());

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