
Smart contracts and their language abstractions for adamoracle

npm install adamoracle-contracts@0.0.1


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Adamoracle is middleware to simplify communication with blockchains. Here you'll find the Adamoracle Golang node, currently in alpha. This initial implementation is intended for use and review by developers, and will go on to form the basis for Adamoracle's decentralized oracle network. Further development of the Adamoracle Node and Adamoracle Network will happen here, if you are interested in contributing please see our contribution guidelines.


  • easy connectivity of on-chain contracts to any off-chain computation or API
  • multiple methods for scheduling both on-chain and off-chain computation for a user's smart contract
  • automatic gas price bumping to prevent stuck transactions, assuring your data is delivered in a timely manner
  • push notification of smart contract state changes to off-chain systems, by tracking Ethereum logs
  • translation of various off-chain data types into EVM consumable types and transactions
  • easy to implement smart contract libraries for connecting smart contracts directly to their preferred oracles
  • easy to install node, which runs natively across operating systems, blazingly fast, and with a low memory footprint


Adamoracle has an active and ever growing community. is the primary communication channel used for day to day communication, answering development questions, and aggregating Adamoracle related content. Take a look at the community docs for more information regarding Adamoracle social accounts, news, and networking.


  1. Install Go 1.14, and add your GOPATH's bin directory to your PATH
    • Example Path for macOS export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH & export GOPATH=/Users/$USER/go
  2. Install NodeJS 12.18 & Yarn
    • It might be easier long term to use nvm to switch between node versions for different projects: nvm install 12.18 && nvm use 12.18
  3. Install Postgres (>= 11.x).
  4. Download Adamoracle: git clone && cd adamoracle
  5. Build and install Adamoracle: make install
    • If you got any errors regarding locked yarn package, try running yarn install before this step
  6. Run the node: adamoracle help

Ethereum Node Requirements

In order to run the Adamoracle node you must have access to a running Ethereum node with an open websocket connection. Any Ethereum based network will work once you've configured the chain ID. Ethereum node versions currently tested and supported:


You can configure your node's behavior by setting environment variables. All the environment variables can be found in the ConfigSchema struct of schema.go. For every variable, default values get used if no corresponding environment variable is found.

Project Structure

Adamoracle is a monorepo containing several logicaly separatable and relatable projects.

Build your current version

go build -o adamoracle ./core/
  • Run the binary:

Solidity Development

  1. Install Yarn
  2. Install the dependencies:
yarn setup:contracts
  1. Run tests:
cd evm-contracts
yarn test

Use of Go Generate

Go generate is used to generate mocks in this project. Mocks are generated with mockery and live in core/internal/mocks.

Development Tips

For more tips on how to build and test Adamoracle, see our development tips page.


Adamoracle's source code is licensed under the MIT License, and contributions are welcome.

Please check out our contributing guidelines for more details.

Thank you!
