
SDK for Airship

npm install airship-nodejs@1.1.6



Airship Node.js


npm install --save airship-nodejs


import Airship from "airship-nodejs"

// Create an instance with apiKey and envKey
let airship = new Airship({apiKey: <apiKey>, envKey: <envKey>})
// Should be used as a singleton

// e.g.,
// let airship = new Airship({apiKey: "r9b72kqdh1wbzkpkf7gntwfapqoc26bl", envKey: "nxmqp35umrd3djth"})

// Initialize the instance, returns a Promise.

// Define your object
let object = {
  type: "User", // "type" starts with a capital letter "[U]ser", "[H]ome", "[C]ar". If omitted, it will default to "User"
  id: "1234", // "id" must be a string or integer
  displayName: "" // must be a string. If omitted, the SDK will use the same value as "id" (converted to a string)

// The most compact form can be:
let object = {
  id: 1234
// as this will translate into:
let object = {
  type: "User",
  id: "1234",
  displayName: "1234"

airship.isEnabled("bitcoin-pay", object) // Does the object have the feature "bitcoin-pay"?
airship.getVariation("bitcoin-pay", object) // Get the variation associated with a multi-variate flag
airship.isEligible("bitcoin-pay", object)
// Returns true if the object can potentially receive the feature via sampling
// or is already receiving the feature.

// Note: It may take up to a minute for objects gated to show up on our web app.

Attributes (for complex targeting)

// Define your object with an attributes dictionary of key-value pairs.
// Values must be a string, a number, or a boolean. null values are not accepted.
// For date or datetime string value, use iso8601 format.
let object = {
  type: "User",
  id: "1234",
  displayName: "",
  attributes: {
    tShirtSize: "M",
    dateCreated: "2018-02-18",
    timeConverted: "2018-02-20T21:54:00.630815+00:00",
    ownsProperty: true,
    age: 39

// Now in, you can target this particular user using its
// attributes

Group (for membership-like cascading behavior)

// An object can be a member of a group.
// The structure of a group object is just like that of the base object.
let object = {
  type: "User",
  id: "1234",
  displayName: "",
  attributes: {
    tShirtSize: "M",
    dateCreated: "2018-02-18",
    timeConverted: "2018-02-20T21:54:00.630815+00:00",
    ownsProperty: true,
    age: 39
  group: {
    type: "Club",
    id: "5678",
    displayName: "SF Homeowners Club",
    attributes: {
      founded: "2016-01-01",
      active: true

// Inheritance of values `isEnabled`, `getVariation`, and `isEligible` works as follows:
// 1. If the group is enabled, but the base object is not,
//    then the base object will inherit the values `isEnabled`, `getVariation`, and
//    `isEligible` of the group object.
// 2. If the base object is explicitly blacklisted, then it will not inherit.
// 3. If the base object is not given a variation in rule-based variation assignment,
//    but the group is and both are enabled, then the base object will inherit
//    the variation of the group's.

// You can ask questions about the group directly (use the `isGroup` flag):
let object = {
  isGroup: true,
  type: "Club",
  id: "5678",
  displayName: "SF Homeowners Club",
  attributes: {
    founded: "2016-01-01",
    active: true

airship.isEnabled("bitcoin-pay", object)


