
React native wrapper around AliceOnboarding's Native SDK (frictionless identity verification solution)

react-native, identity verification, biometrics, kyc, onboarding, digital onboarding
npm install aliceonboarding-reactnative@2.0.1


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Alice Onboarding React-Native SDK

Version API Doc License NPM

This repository serves as an example of how to integrate Alice Onboarding React-Native SDK into an application.

Alice Onboarding React-Native SDK is a collection of software development tools to make easier the integration of Alice Onboarding service.

Its main features are:

  • Automatic capture of documents and video selfie of the user in real time from the camera of your device.
  • Communication with the onboarding API to facilitate rapid integration and development.
  • Management of the onboarding flow configuration: requested documents and order.


At the project's root

yarn install
brew install ios-deploy
cd ios
pod install --repo-update

For iOS:

npx react-native run-ios

For Android:

npx react-native run-android

Troubleshooting 🔨

If the installation fails and your phone displays a Could not connect to development server error:

  1. Please make sure your device is in the same network that your computer.
  2. Shake your device, a dialog should pop-up.
  3. Go to Settings>Debug server host&port for device.
  4. Introduce your local IP and port 8081.

Documentation 📄

Refer to

Contact 📬