and-cli command-line tool to manage the development of software applications

cli, dotnet-core, nodejs, react, test, webpack
npm install and-cli@2.3.1



and-cli command-line tool to manage the development of software applications.

Getting started

From the root of the cloned or forked repository, run this command:

npm install && ./cli.js install

What this does:

  1. Installs a global version of the npm package
  2. Creates an alias and-cli for the installed version of the npm package in your project, which defaults to globally installed package if not installed for project
  3. Creates an alias and-cli-dev for the running the cli while developing for it, via the directory in which you cloned or forked the repository

To install and-cli only for the current project, run this in its root directory:

# npm
npm install --save-dev and-cli

# yarn
yarn add and-cli --dev

To install the CLI globally, do:

# npm
npm install and-cli -g

# yarn
yarn global add and-cli

The documentation for and-cli can be found in


Leading slash auto-converted to absolute path

Due to POSIX auto path conversion if you have an argument that needs to start with a leading slash "/". Escape it with an additional slash "//".

Upon application startup the CLI will replace it with the single slash "/".

Value for command arguments are out of order

Depending upon the shell/terminal you are using, the node process sometimes requires the -- delimiter between the command and the arguments. Otherwise, especially in a shell like windows command prompt, the value for arguments gets piped out of order.


  • Before: and-cli dotnet --cli "test db migrate"
    • Works in most shells, but requires the arguments to be in quotes. Fails in windows command prompt
  • After: and-cli dotnet -- --cli test db migrate
    • Portable and doesn't require quotes

Command listed in documentation is not found or functioning as expected

If you are using the project alias, check to make sure the version in your package.json is up to date. You can ensure the latest is installed by running:

npm install --save-dev and-cli@latest

If you don't have the package installed in your project and you're using a global package, you can check the current version with:

npm list -g --depth=0 | grep and-cli

The latest version can be installed by running:

npm install --global and-cli@latest