
A package which provides localization for strings.

node, typescript, localization, anu, anu-localization, javascript, node-js, node-module, nodejs, npm-package
npm install anu-localization@1.1.2



This package is part of the Anu-family.

Anu (అణు) is a word in Telugu (a language spoken in south india) which means as much as atomic. Thats what every Anu-package should be about. Simple and clean.

All Anu-packages are available via npm and can be used with javascript and typescript. The packages are written in typescript and compiled to javascript + a type definition file.


Work in progress...

This is going to be a basic localization package with no fancy extra weight.

How To Use


The structure anu-localization

Setting up the configuration:

The configuration should look like this:

    "FallbackLanguage": "english",
    "RegexString": "T{(\\w+)}",
    "LocalizationLanguages": [
            "Key": "german",
            "FilePath": "./localization.json",
            "HttpLanguageKey": "de"
            "Key": "english",
            "FilePath": "./localization.json",
            "HttpLanguageKey": "en"
  • "FallbackLanguage": The language which is used if the configuration does not include one of the languages the Http-request wants.
  • "RegexString": The regular expression which will be used to identify the keys in a html document that should be translated.
  • "LocalizationLanguages": An array of languages this application supports.
  • "Key": The key that is used to find the appropriate translation for the language.
  • "FilePath": The path to the file that contains the translations for the language.
  • "HttpLanguageKey": The key which is used in Http-request.

Setting up a file containing translations:

A file that contains translation should look like this:

        "Key": "TEST",
        "Translations": [
                "LanguageKey": "english",
                "Translation": "testenglish"
                "LanguageKey": "german",
                "Translation": "testdeutsch"
  • "Key": The key that should be translated.
  • "Translations": The appropriate translations.
  • "LanguageKey": The key of the appropriate language.
  • "Translation": The translation.

The service:

Work in progress

* Translates the complete string.
* @param stringForTranslation The string which should be translated.
* @param languages The languages for which the translation should be found.
* @param localizationObjects The objects that should contain the translations.
public TranslateWholeString(
    stringForTranslation: string,
    languages: LocalizationLanguage[], 
    localizationObjects: LocalizationObject[]): string;
* Translates a key.
* @param key The key which should be translated.
* @param languages The languages for which the translation should be found.
* @param localizationObjects The objects that should contain the translation.
public Translate(
    key: string, 
    languages: LocalizationLanguage[], 
    localizationObjects: LocalizationObject[]): string;