api-express-cli is an tool with an integrated cli, which allows generating models, routes, and controllers

api, express, cli, api-express-cli, ws, websockets, mysql-promise, .env, cuby-orm, cuby, orm
npm install api-express-cli@1.0.8-5


Express Cli - For API


Stting up a project

Install api-express-cli in dev dependecies:

npm i -D api-express-cli

Initialize project:

npx aec init

This will create a structure for the project focused on the MVC model, It has a basic http server to start working.

The following image shows the structure created.


Commands Value Params Example Description
npx aec init --add db:mysq or ws npx aec init --add db:mysql or npx aec init ws Add new utilities when the value of --add is passed. You can put as many as there are
npx aec route npx aec route or npx aec r Create a route with the given name
npx aec controller npx aec controller or npx aec c Create a controller with the given name
npx aec model npx aec model or npx aec m Create a model with the given name, as long as a database is configured
npx aec entity npx aec entity or npx aec e Create an entity with the given name: (controller, route, model)
npx aec remove db:mysq or ws npx aec remove db:mysql or npx aec rm db:mysql Removes one of the utilities that is added. At the moment you can only delete database utility
npx aec --help npx aec -h or npx aec Show command help

Nota: you can use aec or api-express-cli.

Quick start

After initializing the project, to verify that everything went well, you have to execute the following commands:

  • Transpile code from ts to js.

    npm run watch-ts

  • Start server.

    npm run dev:watch-server

You can then see if it is operating correctly by putting this http://localhost:3000 in your browser.