
This react component from [Asitis AB]( provides a convinient way to create links to endpoints for nordic bank id providers

Asitis, react, component, Grean, BankId, NemId, DigId
npm install asireact-greanid@1.0.9



This react component from Asitis AB provides a convinient way to create links to endpoints for nordic bank id providers

NOTE: You need an account and a service agreement with Grean to use their service. Visit to review their offer. The publisher of this component is in no way affiliated with Grean.


Execute one of the following commands in powershell

  # Yarn users
  yarn add asireact-greanid

  # NPM users
  npm install --save asireact-greanid


To use the component, In your react Application import the BankId component, the configuration object and the service provider list.

import {BankId,BankIdConfig,IdProviderServices } from 'asireact-greanid'

The following configurations must be provided:

  let config = BankIdConfig;
  config.authority = ''; // The domain registered with Grean
  config.clientId = ''; // The client id provided by Grean when an application is registered
  config.idProviderService = IdProviderServices.SEBankIDSameDevice; // A provider service from the list

The following configurations are optional

    config.redirectProtocol = "https"; // Defaults to current protocol
    config.redirectHostName = ""; // Defaults to current host
    config.redirectPort = "1234"; // Defaults to current port (if used)
    config.redirectPage = 'mycallback';  // Defaults to 'callback'

    // This configuration will result in a callback with the id token from Grean to 

The BankId component is used with the configuration like this

    <BankId {...config}>
      Logg in with bank id

Or with an optional style object

    <BankId {...config} style={{ background: this.props.color }}>
      Logg in with bank id

Or with a regular className

    <BankId {...config} className="btn">
      Logg in with bank id

It is also possible to send along a SSN and/or a phone number to the component. This will be included in the scope of the request to Grean EasyId. This makes it possible to eliminate the form page asking for SSN on the provider site. The phone property is only useful when targeting Norwegian Mobile BankId.

    <BankId {...config} ssn="1234567890" phone='123456789' >
      Logg in with bank id