
Render remote HTML or Markdown content in Astro with full control over the output.

html, template, sanitize, astro, astro-component
npm install astro-remote@0.3.0


Astro Remote

NPM Version

Render remote HTML or Markdown content in Astro with full control over the output.

Powered by ultrahtml and marked.


npm install astro-remote
pnpm install astro-remote
yarn install astro-remote

Rendering Remote Content

The most basic function of astro-remote is to convert a string of HTML or Markdown to HTML. Use the Markup and Markdown components depending on your input.

import { Markup, Markdown } from 'astro-remote';
const { html, markdown } = await fetch('').then(res => res.json());

<Markup content={html} />
<Markdown content={markdown} />


By default, all HTML content will be sanitized with sensible defaults (script blocks are dropped). This can be controlled using the SanitizeOptions available in ultrahtml. Set to false to disable sanitization.

import { Markup } from 'astro-remote';
const content = await fetch('').then(res => res.text());

<!-- Disallow `head` and `style` attributes, and standard formatting from host website -->
        dropElements: ["head","style"], 
        blockElements: ["html", "body", "div"],


Both Markup and Markdown allow full control over the rendering of output. The components option allows you to replace a standard HTML element with a custom component.

import { Markdown, Markup } from 'astro-remote';
import Title from '../components/Title.astro';
const content = await fetch('').then(res => res.text());

<!-- Render <h1> as custom <Title> component -->
<Markup content={content} components={{ h1: Title }} />
<Markdown content={content} components={{ h1: Title }} />

In addition to built-in HTML Elements, Markdown also supports a few custom components for convenience.

<Heading />

The Heading component renders all h1 through h6 elements. It receives the following props:

  • as, the h1 through h6 tag
  • href, a pre-generated, slugified href
  • text, the text content of the children (for generating a custom slug)
import { Markdown } from 'astro-remote';
import Heading from '../components/Heading.astro';
const content = await fetch('').then(res => res.text());

<!-- Render all <h1> through <h6> using custom <Heading> component -->
<Markdown content={content} components={{ Heading }} />

A sample Heading component might look something like this.

const { as: Component, href } = Astro.props;

<Component><a href={href}><slot /></a></Component>

<CodeBlock />

The CodeBlock component allows you customize the rendering of code blocks. It receives the following props:

  • lang, the language specified after the three backticks (defaults to plaintext)
  • code, the raw code to be highlighted. Be sure to escape the output!
  • ...props, any other attributes passed to the three backticks. These should follow HTML attribute format (name="value")

A sample CodeBlock component might look something like this.

const { lang, code, ...props } = Astro.props;
const highlighted = await highlight(code, { lang });

<pre class={`language-${lang}`}><code set:html={highlighted} /></pre>

<CodeSpan />

The CodeSpan component allows you customize the rendering of inline code spans. It receives the following props:

  • code, the value of the code span

A sample CodeSpan component might look something like this.

const { code } = Astro.props;

<code set:text={code} />

<Note />

The Note component allows you customize the rendering of GitHub-style notes and warnings. It receives the following props:

  • type, either "note" or "warning"

To use a Note component in Markdown, use the following syntax:

> **Note**
> Some tip here!

> **Warning**
> Some warning here!

Custom Components in Markdown

If you'd like to allow custom components in Markdown, you can do so using a combination of the sanitize and components options. By default, sanitization removes components.

Given the following markdown source:

# Hello world!

<MyCustomComponent a="1" b="2" c="3">It works!</MyCustomComponent>
import { Markdown } from 'astro-remote';
import MyCustomComponent from '../components/MyCustomComponent.astro';
const content = await fetch('').then(res => res.text());

<Markdown content={content} sanitize={{ allowComponents: true }} components={{ MyCustomComponent }} />

Using Marked Extensions

If you'd like to extend the underlying Marked behavior, the marked prop accepts extensions.

import { Markdown } from 'astro-remote';
import markedAlert from 'marked-alert'

const content = await fetch('').then(res => res.text());

<Markdown content={content} marked={{ extensions: [ markedAlert() ] }} />