
This library implements user session management using refresh tokens and JWTs for websites and apps that run on NodeJS, Express and MySQL.

auth, authentication, authorisation, mysql, nodejs, supertokens, jwt, refresh tokens, chrome, firefox, IE, safari, authentication-backend, authorization, backend, express, security, supertokens-backend, typescript
npm install auth-node-mysql-ref-jwt@0.0.3


SuperTokens banner

This repository has been deprecated in favour of SuperTokens core - Community version. For any new user, we heavily recommend using the SuperTokens core - Community version over this repository as all new features will be added to that.

Please refer to our migration guide on how to move to the new version. For existing users of this repository, we will be happy to provide free dedicated support for the purpose of migration.


  • If you intend to keep using this version, the documentation for this is here. We will keep maintaining this repository for bug fixes, but will not be adding any new features to it.
  • This is only compatible with version 4+ of the supertokens-website respository, and version 1+ of any other frontend SDK that we provide.