
Automatically keep your yarn and pipenv dependencies in sync with git changes.

git, npm, yarn
npm install auto-sync-deps@1.9.0



Automatically keep your yarn and pipenv dependencies in sync with git changes.


  1. Due to limitations in husky only do this with package.json in your git root (but auto-sync-deps will update other package trees as well)
  2. yarn add --dev auto-sync-deps
  3. Edit root package.json and add the following to the top-level:
      "husky": {
        "hooks": {
          "post-checkout": "yarn sync-deps",
          "post-merge": "yarn sync-deps",
          "post-rewrite": "yarn sync-deps"
  4. To manage python Pipfile's both pipenv and pyenv need to be installed

What it does

When a change to a package tree (as in a change to a yarn.lock or Pipfile.lock) is pulled, merged, rebased, or checked out then update that package tree. No more wondering why things aren't working because someone has committed a package change, but you still have an older version installed.

You can also force a manual update of all package trees with yarn sync-deps

What this handles

  • Multiple package.json, Pipenv, and Poetry package trees (but only install this package in the root one)
  • Form the git hooks the installation is only run when that particular lock file has changed
  • Install the latest version of the python specified in the Pipfile using pyenv
  • In a Meteor project use the Meteor version of node to ensure binary compatibility of compiled modules

Possible improvements

  • Make it work with npm's package-lock.json (could know to use yarn or npm based off npm_config_user_agent env var)



yarn publish --major or yarn publish --minor or yarn publish --patch depending on the change