
CLI (and node module) which polls the NPM registry until a new package version becomes available. The CLI will exit once a matching release is found, allowing subsequent commands to run.

await, npm, package, release, version, cli, npm-package
npm install await-release@0.2.0



CLI (and node module) which polls the NPM registry until a new package version becomes available. The CLI will exit once a matching release is found, allowing subsequent commands to run.


  • Supports private NPM registries (if npm can access it, so should this package)
  • --exec 'npm install %s' to inject and run commands on release
  • --install flag to automatically run npm install $package on release
  • --update flag to automatically run npm update $package on release
  • --daemon to keep listening for new releases (works with --exec)


npm install -g await-release


await-release [options] <package> [package2@version...]

Package identifiers may optionally include:

  • scope (@org/pkg)
  • semver version string (pkg@16, pkg@1.x, etc.)


-i, --install            execute 'npm install' on release
-e, --exec <command>     execute shell command on release (interpolates %p, %s, %t, %v)
-o, --output <format>    output format (default/verbose/none/json)
-g, --grace <seconds>    accept versions released up to X seconds before invocation (default: 10)
-t, --timeout <seconds>  exit if no release matches after X seconds (default: 0)
-d, --delay <seconds>    time between polling requests (default: 2)

Using --exec

Other processes can be invoked when a release is discovered using the --exec option. The provided string will be executed within a basic shell environment after interpolation of the following placeholders:

  • %p: package name (my-package, @scope/package, etc.)
  • %s: package name and version (my-package@1.0.1, @scope/package@2.3.0, etc.)
  • %t: time of release in ISO 8601 format (2020-05-26T22:01:02Z)
  • %v: released version (1.0.1)

Install new version of a dependency when it becomes available

await-release my-dependency -i
# or via --exec:
await-release my-dependency --exec 'npm install %s'

Notify when a new package version is released

await-release package-name --exec "npx -p node-notifier-cli notify -t '%p released %v'"