
This hook works with the axios library, making queries much easier and more convenient.

axios-handler, axios, useFetching, fetch, use, hook, hooks, React, React Native
npm install axios-handler@1.0.5



axios-handler is a React/React Native custom hook that simplifies and enhances the use of the Axios library for executing API requests efficiently.


Install using npm:

npm install axios-handler axios

Or using yarn:

yarn add axios-handler axios


  • Simplifies API request management in React and React Native applications.
  • Built-in support for loading and error states.
  • Supports dynamic parameters for API queries.
  • Provides refresh and reset functionality for easy data manipulation.

Quick Start

Example Code

Here's an example of how to use axios-handler in a React Native project:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { ActivityIndicator, Text, Button } from 'react-native'
import { useFetching } from 'axios-handler'
import axios from 'axios'

const Component = () => {
  const { fetch, refresh, data, loading, refreshing, error, reset } = useFetching({
    query: async props => {
      const { id, filters } = props
      return await axios.get(`api/v2/example/${id}`, { params: filters })
    onComplete: response => {
      console.log('Response:', response)
    onError: error => {
      console.log('Error:', error)
    initialLoading: true,

  useEffect(() => {
    fetch({ id: 123, filters: { test: 'test' } })
  }, [])

  return (
      {loading && <ActivityIndicator />}
      {refreshing && <ActivityIndicator />}
      {error && <Text>Error: {error.message}</Text>}
      {data && <Text>Data: {JSON.stringify(}</Text>}
      <Button title="Refresh" onPress={() => refresh({ id: 123, filters: { test: 'test' } })} />
      <Button title="Reset" onPress={reset} />

export default Component

API Documentation

Hook Parameters

The useFetching hook accepts a configuration object with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description Required Default
query (props?: any) => Promise<AxiosResponse<T, D>> Function to perform the HTTP request using Axios. Yes N/A
onComplete (response: AxiosResponse<T, D>) => void Callback on successful request completion. response. No N/A
onError (error: AxiosError<E>) => void Callback on request failure. object. No N/A
initialLoading boolean Whether the request starts in a loading state. No false
initialRefreshing boolean Whether the request starts in a refreshing state. No false

Return Values

The useFetching hook returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
fetch (props?: any) => Promise<void> Starts the HTTP request.
refresh (props?: any) => Promise<void> Re-triggers the request in a refreshing state.
data AxiosResponse<T, D> | null The response data or null if no request has been made.
loading boolean Whether the request is loading.
refreshing boolean Whether the request is refreshing.
error AxiosError<E> | null The error object if the request fails.
reset () => void Resets the state to its initial values.

Type Definitions

Here are the type definitions used for the hook:


export type FetchingParams<T, D, E> = {
  query: (props?: any) => Promise<AxiosResponse<T, D>>;
  onComplete?: (response: AxiosResponse<T, D>) => void;
  onError?: (error: AxiosError<E>) => void;
  initialLoading?: boolean;
  initialRefreshing?: boolean;

Return Values

export type FetchingReturn<T, D, E> = {
  fetch: (props?: any) => Promise<void>;
  refresh: (props?: any) => Promise<void>;
  data: AxiosResponse<T, D> | null;
  loading: boolean;
  refreshing: boolean;
  error: AxiosError<E> | null;
  reset: () => void;

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions! Here’s how you can help:

  • Report issues or request features by opening an issue.
  • Submit pull requests to suggest fixes or enhancements.

Before contributing, please ensure your code follows the project's style and passes all tests.


This project is licensed under the ISC License.