
Browser-specific utilities, EventStreams, and Properties for Bacon

bacon, baconjs, jquery, frp, reactive, browser, utility
npm install bacon-browser@0.0.5



bacon-browser is hosted at Github. bacon-browser is a public domain work, dedicated using CC0 1.0. Feel free to do whatever you want with it.



$ npm install bacon-browser or $ bower install bacon-browser



var Window = Bacon.Browser.Window;

var pageState = Bacon.combineTemplate({
  location: Window.location(),
  state: Window.state()

pageState.log("page state:");

history.pushState({pageId: 1}, null, "/pagse/1");
history.replaceState({pageId: 1}, null, "/pages/1");
var display = $("<div>").appendTo("body");
Window.dimensions().onValue(function(dims) {
  display.text("window width: " + dims.width +
               " window height: " + dims.height);


var Mouse = Bacon.Browser.Mouse;

// Just some jQuery code to create a 100pxx100px pink box with position: fixed
var box = $("<div>").appendTo("body");
  "background-color": "hotpink",
  "height": "100px",
  "width": "100px",
  "position": "fixed"

// Mouse.isHeld(target) is a property that is true while the target is
// "grabbed". This is different from isDown(target) because it's true even if the
// mouse leaves the area of the target. This is useful for drag drop behaviors
// where the target might not be able to follow the mouse past a certain point, if
// at all.
var boxIsHeld = Mouse.isHeld(box);
boxIsHeld.onValue(function(isHeld) {
  if (isHeld) {
    // Mouse.deltas() returns {x: Int, y: Int} objects for every mousemove which
    // represent the number of pixels in those axes that the mouse has moved since
    // the last mousemove.
    // and we only use this stream until the box is no longer being held.
    // Finally we set the css position based on the deltas.
    .onValue(function(delta) {
      var pos = box.position();
        left: pos.left + delta.x,
        top: + delta.y


bacon-browser is a collection of browser-related Bacon.Observables for use with Bacon.js. It provides a variety of useful utilities for commonly-performed tasks, such as checking whether a DOM elevent is being "held" with a mouse click (for drag and drop), properties that represent the window dimensions (instead of having to hook into window.onresize yourself), hooking into browser animationFrames, and many more.

bacon-browser does not provide pre-made event streams for standard DOM events -- it is a (usually small) wrapper on top of many of them providing higher-level, FRPish interaction. Use jQuery#asEventStream, provided by Bacon itself, for that.


bacon-browser plugs into the Bacon object, regardless of whether it's included through CommonJS, AMD, or as a global variable. It enriches the object with a new Browser module, with several other modules listed below it.

All exported values under every modules are functions that return either EventStream or Property objects. While you should be able to treat all of them as if new streams or properties were created, it is not allowed to side-effect the return values of these functions, as they may be (and often are) cached.




Special EventStream that fires whenever the current history state is set, whether from history.pushState, history.replaceState, or by anything that triggers window.onpopstate.


Event stream that fires whenever a browser animation frame is available. The event value is a DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the time at which the frame became ready (which may be noticeable earlier than when the event is actually captured).



The latest value of window.location. Updates whenever the URL changes either from a hashchanged or using the history API, if available.


The latest value of window.location.hash. Updates whenever the URL changes either from a hashchanged or using the history API, if available.


The current history state. Updates whenever history.pushState or history.replaceState are called, or when anything triggers window.onpopstate.


The current window outer dimensions, in pixels.


The current window height.


The current window width.


The current scroll position for target, in the form of an object with x and y properties.


The horizontal scroll position for target.


The vertical scroll position for target.




Creates an event stream that returns a boolean whenever the mouse enters or leaves the target.

clicks([target=document [, useOffset=false]])

Creates an EventStream of coordinates where clicks have occurred. If the useOffset argument is given, the click events' offsetX/offsetY values are used, otherwise pageX/pageY are given.


Creates an EventStream of mouse movement deltas, based on the preceding mousemove. The stream values represent the pixel x/y offsets.



true if the mouse is currently hovering over target, otherwise false. This is simply the Property version of Mouse.hover().

position([target=document [, useOffset=false]])

The current mouse position as {x: Int, y: Int}. If the useOffset argument is given, the mousemove events' offsetX/offsetY values are used. Otherwise pageX/pageY are given.


true if the mouse is currently up, otherwise false. If target is given, returns true only when the mouse is hovering over target without being held down.


true if the mouse is currently down. If target is given, returns true only when the mouse is hovering over target while being held down.


true if the target is being "held" -- meaning, if the mouse was pressed on it, and it hasn't been released. The difference between this property and the one created by Mouse.isDown() is that isDown() will be false if the mouse leaves the target.

This is usually the function you want for drag-and-drop behaviors.



keyCodes([target=document [, filter [, useKeyup]]])

Stream of keydownEvent.keyCodes. This is intended for handling key input meant for something other than text processing. (detecting escape, arrow keys, etc.) The keyCode values are normalized by jQuery for better cross-browser support.

The filter argument will be used to filter which keyCodes will actually trigger the event. filter can be one of an integer matching the keyCode, an array of integers of the possible keyCodes, or a function which will receive the keyCode as an argument and accept it into the stream if a truthy value is returned.

If useKeyup is truthy, keyCodes() will only fire on the keyup event, instead of the default keydown.


isUp([target=document [, filter]])

true if a key is currently up and target is focused. If filter is provided, the property will toggle only when filter matches the event keyCode. See Keyboard.keyCodes() for information on filter.

isDown([target=document [, filter]])

true if a key is currently down and target is focused. If filter is provided, the property will toggle only when filter matches the event keyCode. See Keyboard.keyCodes() for information on filter.

isHeld([target=document [, filter]])

Alias for Keyboard.isDown().

held([target=document [, filter]])

An array of the keyCodes currently held down, if target is in focus. If filter is provided, the property will toggle only when filter matches the event keyCode. See Keyboard.keyCodes() for information on filter.