
a better spawn

spawn, cross plattform, shell
npm install better-spawn@1.0.4


Better spawn

Because child_process.exec lacks features and child_process.spawn acts weird, better-spawn was made.

It is a very simple wrapper around child_process.spawn to make opening and closing work consistently in linux and windows.
Used by script-runner


npm install better-spawn

Breaking changes @1

child.closed and child.killed are now promises. The boolean states are now available at child.isClosed and child.isKilled.


spawn = require('better-spawn')
child = spawn('node', options)


Name type default description
cwd String process.cwd current working directory
env Object process.env environment variables
env.PATH String process.env.PATH + ./node_modules/.bin used to resolve commands
stdio See documentation ["pipe","inherit","inherit"] to control output
noOut Boolean null sets stdio[1] = "pipe"
noErr Boolean null sets stdio[2] = "pipe"
windowsVerbatimArguments Boolean isWindows to support windows
detach Boolean !isWindows to support killing on unix
Promise Function global.Promise supply your own Promise lib


Name type description
cmd String cmd called
isKilled Boolean is child process killed
isClosed Boolean is child process closed
killed Promise fulfilled when child process killed
closed Promise fulfilled when child process closed
close Function call to kill child process


// pipe to shell without losing color
child = spawn('node')
// suppress normal output, but maintain err output
child = spawn('node',{noOut:true})
// set empty env (default in node)
child = spawn('node',{env: {PATH:""}})

Compare to other solutions

  • child_process.exec, spawns in shell but output has to be piped - color information will be lost.
  • child_process.spawn, doesn't spawn in shell, so it has to be done by hand (differs in linux and windows) Main problem is, sh won't kill its children by child.kill(), see: node#2098
  • cross-spawn-async a wrapper for child_process.spawn to support windows quirks like PATHEXT or shebangs not working
  • execa a wrapper for cross-spawn-async which adds the shell logic, to behave like child_process.exec, adds promises, modifies PATH

better-spawn doesn't support PATHEXT or shebangs on windows


Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.