easily spool up thread-like worker processes

threads, parallel, cluster, SMP, multiprocess
npm install bobbin@3.1.0



easily spool up thread-like worker processes in node with bobbin


// to create a pool of workers:

var bobbin = require('bobbin');

// create 4 processes; defaults to os.cpus().length
bobbin.create(4, function(err, pool) {

    // to send some work (in this case concatenate two strings `left' and `right'):

    var left = 'foo', right = 'bar';
        left, right, // you have to explicitly pass variables
        function remoteWorkFunction(left, right, callback) {
            callback(left + right);
        function localCallback(result) {
            assert(result === 'foobar');


for clarity, the signature of pool.run is:

pool.run(varsToSend..., workFunction, localCallback)

stuff to keep in mind:

  1. calls to pool.run() are dispatched to workers in a round-robin fashion, though idle workers are prioritized.
  2. you can't send closures to workers, so explicitly send data in the first arguments to pool.run(). those arguments will be passed verbatim into your work function.
  3. your local callback gets called with whatever your work function calls back with.
  4. to create() a pool, you have to be the cluster master, i.e. cluster.isMaster

Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE for info.