
A javascript library to generate SNARKs in a browser. Developers can use this library to quickly setup zk-proofs in their applications.

npm install browser-snark@1.0.1


Browser SNARK

A javascript library to generate SNARKs in a browser. Developers can use this library to quickly setup zk-proofs in their applications.

These zk-proofs can be submitted on chain. The proof verification also ensures that one proof is used exactly once on chain.



npm install browser-snark

Add the following to your .babel.rc

    "presets": [
          "preset-env": {
            // "debug": true,
            "targets": [
              "last 2 Edge versions",
              "last 2 Opera versions",
              "last 2 Safari versions",
              "last 2 Chrome versions",
              "last 2 Firefox versions"

Add the following to your next.config.js

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  webpack: function (config, options) {
    if (!options.isServer) {
      config.resolve.fallback.fs = false;
    config.experiments = { asyncWebAssembly: true };
    return config;

module.exports = nextConfig

Usage for SNARK Proofs

The following SNARK proofs can be generated and verified using this library

Preimage of Hash

You can prove that the user knows the preimage of a hash and verify it on a smart contract.

Smart Contract

Add the following interface to your contract

interface Verifier {
function verifyWithNonce(            
            uint[2] memory a,
            uint[2][2] memory b,
            uint[2] memory c,
            uint[3] memory input
    ) external returns(bool);

In your constructor instantiate the verifier;

    Verifier verifier;
    constructor() {
        verifier = Verifier(<CONTRACT ADDRESS>);
        // refer below table fot the contract address depending on the chain
Chain address
Goerli 0x9247fbEB6195dF258A701D5749dD21b4696c1C22
Optimism Mainnet 0x7BA977e10e6f0EB05f3D6f4C1AB44626258e1d83
Polygon Mainnet 0xa932B4b9eeE2B098766828aa6E0803820ad3a064
Ethereum Mainnet Coming soon...

In your function where you want to execute some logic only if proof is valid you need to do 3 steps

  1. Add 4 new parameters to your function uint[2] memory a, uint[2][2] memory b, uint[2] memory c, uint[3] memory input
  2. On the top of this function add require(verifier.verifyWithNonce(a,b,c, input), "Invalid proof");
  3. Verify that the proof was generated for the correct hash

For example

function yourFunction(uint yourParam1, uint yourParam2, uint[2] memory a, uint[2][2] memory b, uint[2] memory c, uint[3] memory input) public {
    require(verifier.verifyWithNonce(a,b,c, input), "Invalid proof");
    require(input[2] == EXPECTED_HASH, "Proof generated for wrong hash");
    //... Your logic


Import browser-snark and create an object

import {Preimage} from 'browser-snark'
preimage = new Preimage();

Generate poseidon hash

myHash = preimage.hash(value)

Generate proof

if(myHash == EXPECTED_HASH){
    const proof = preimage.generateProof(value, EXPECTED_HASH);
    //... submit proof

Submit transaction with proof

    contractWithSigner.yourFunction(yourParam1, yourParam2, proof.a, proof.b, proof.c, proof.input)

For an example usage you can see the app/ directory.


  • Generate nonce from msg.sender