Generate and bundle declaration files to one d.ts file from a .ts entry file.

bundle, dts, typescript, gulp
npm install bundle-dts@1.0.3



Generate and bundle declaration files to one d.ts file from a .ts entry file. It will resolve associated files and modules automatically. In addition, all processes are done in memory, no need to generate local declaration files.


npm install -D bundle-dts

Used with gulp

// gulpfile.js
const gulp = require('gulp');
const bundle = require('bundle-dts');

exports.default = function () {
    return gulp.src('./src/index.ts')

Used with webpack

// webpack.config.js
const { plugin: BundleDTSPlugin } = require('bundle-dts');

module.exports = {
    entry: './src/index.ts',
    module: {
        rules: [{ test: /\.ts(x?)$/, loader: "ts-loader" }]
    plugins: [
        new BundleDTSPlugin()
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.ts']

Multiple Entry Points

// webpack.config.js
const { plugin: BundleDTSPlugin } = require('bundle-dts');

module.exports = {
    entry: './src/index.ts',
    module: {
        rules: [{ test: /\.ts(x?)$/, loader: "ts-loader" }]
    plugins: [
        new BundleDTSPlugin({ entry: './src/index.ts' }),
        new BundleDTSPlugin({ entry: './src/main.ts', outFile: 'main.d.ts' }),
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.ts']

Used with node

// index.js
const { generate, bundle } = require('bundle-dts');

// generate and bundle only
const dts = generate({ entry: './src/index.ts' });
// generate、 bundle and save to local
bundle({ entry: './src/index.ts', outFile: 'index.d.ts' });


  • compilerOptions(object, optional): Compiler options for ts, default is { declaration:true }.
  • module(string, optional): The module name for dts, it will try to get name option from package.json by default, otherwise return 'defaultModuleName'.
  • ts(ts, optional): TS file compilation object, default use require('typescript').
  • cwd(string,optional): Default use path.resolve('.').
  • outFile(string, optional): Output file name, default is index.d.ts.
  • entry(string, optional): Entry file, default use entry option when used with webpack.