
stdout pretty print, human readable stream for bunyan

bunyan, stdout, logs, log, stream, bunyan stream, stdout logs, debug, pretty logs, js, json, npm, pretty
npm install bunyan-stdout-stream@1.4.0



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During developing you usually put logs to stdout. But it's very uncomfortable to read default bunyan logs. So I've developed StdoutStream for bunyan which will prettify your logs.



will print in your terminal: example


  1. install via npm
$ npm i bunyan-stdout-stream --save-dev
  1. instsall bunyan logger
$ npm i bunyan
  1. create logger in you project
import StdoutStream from 'bunyan-stdout-stream';
import bunyan       from 'bunyan';

const logger = bunyan.createLogger({
    name   : 'exampleLogger',
    streams: [{
        level : 'trace',
        type  : 'raw',
        stream: new StdoutStream(),


You can customize colors and other options by putting your config, which will be deeply merge with default config:

new StdoutStream({
    maxDepth: 7,
    colors: {
        date: date => date

All properties of config you can find -> https://github.com/Goodluckhf/BunyanStdoutStream/blob/master/src/config.js

Also you can change any of formatter class. You have to extend it from BaseFormatter:

import BaseFormatter from 'bunyan-stdout-stream/formatters/BaseFormatter';

class CustomErrorFormatter extends BaseFormatter {
    // The only method you have to define
    format(error) {
        return error.toString();

new StdoutStream({}, {
    ErrorFormatter: CustomErrorFormatter

List of formatters:

  • OptionLineFormatter - first line of log message
  • ArrayFormatter - formatter of array
  • ErrorFormatter - formatter of error
  • ObjectFormatter - formatter of object (key:val)