Hybrid static site generator based on react

hybrid, react
npm install chido@0.5.88



Build hybrid, fast and cool React based apps

current: alpha


npm install chido react

yarn add chido react

## for now react-dom is included in the chido package


  "start": "chido start",
  "build": "chido build"

How does it work?

chido reads all the .js files in the ./src/pages directory (a very common pattern in static site generators) and builds a static site from them, if you want you can also export a @reach/router component from and chido will build an .html file for each Router or React component and since it supports code-splitting for .js and .css (incluidng .sass and .scss) the first print is really fast.

How will my app look like?

// .src/pages/movies.js
import React from 'react'
import { Router, Link } from 'chido'

const MoviesList = () => (
    <h1>Cool movies!!!</h1>
      <Link to='/movies/the-two-towers'>The Two Towers</Link>
      <Link to='/movies/pirates-of-silicon-valley'>Pirates of Silicon Valley</Link>
      <Link to='/the-wolf-of-wall-street'>The Wolf of Wall Street!!!</Link>

const CoolMovie = ({ movieName }) => (
    <h1>{`${movieName} is a really cool movie!!!`}</h1>
    <Link to='/movies'>Back to movies</Link>

export default function MoviesRouter() {
  return (
      <MoviesList path='/' />
      <CoolMovie path=':movieName' />
file in ./src/pages outputs in ./public
index.js index.html
movies.js // MoviesList movies/index.html // It's static
movies.js // CoolMovie movies/movieName/index.html // It's dynamic

How do I access an hybrid site?

To make sure this works, you need to setup a router in your server, but not be afraid, I've done succesful tests with .htaccess (and chido comes with an automatic .htaccess router builder) in shared hosting and it's really fast (as you'd expect any static generatedd site to be). The trick is in redirecting all the dynamic looking requests to the static server location:


requested url served fiile and directory
/movies/episode-iv/ /movies/movieName/index.html
/movies/pulp-fiction/ the same as above
/movies/the-ring/ the same as above


  • Code spliting (also valid for .css)
  • Fast HMR with newest react-hot-loader (getting ready for hooks!!!)
  • Chunk prefetching thanks to ``chido-link
  • Service worker


As any other React based site generator, chido comes with it's own Link to move across chido's pages. it allows us to make a chunk prefetching which starts when the user hovers or clicks over it.

import React from 'react'
import { Link } from 'chido'

export default function About() {
  return (
      <p>español: React es chido</p>
      <p>english: React is cool</p>