npm install clientside-view-input-text --save
// building and appending the view
var view_loader = await load('clientside-view-loader'); // load the view loader
var text_input = await view_loader.load('clientside-view-text-input').build({label:"Full Name"});
// functionality usage
var value = text_button.value; // use the getter
label : STRING, // the label for the input
title : STRING, // a description which displays on hover
prefix : STRING, // a prefix before the input. e.g., "$"
name : STRING, // dom name for the input element
disabled : BOOLEAN, // disable the input
password : BOOLEAN, // set as a password input, user input rendered as ****
required : BOOLEAN, // make this a required field; shows red if empty
type : STRING, // choose from ["number", "price", "percentage", "date", "time"]; input will enforce that only characters possible for that are accepted and validate that it is valid