NPM package for simplifying coding for conversations. The initial goal of this project is to make life easier for Cisco customers leveraging Google Dialogflow ES to create natural language bots.

conversational-ai, cai, ccai, dialogflow
npm install codingforconvos@0.0.124



I created this NPM library to simplify the journey to success with pro-code conversation management. Dialogflow ES requires a pro-code solution to managing conversation runtime state effectively. The initial goal of this project is to make life easier for creating pro-code conversations in Google Dialogflow ES for use with Dialogflow phone gateway and Cisco Webex Contact Center.

    participant User
    participant FacebookMessenger
    participant DialogflowES
    participant WebhookFulfillment
    User->>FacebookMessenger: Says: <br/>Hi there!
    FacebookMessenger->>DialogflowES: Detect Intent: <br/>Hi there!
    DialogflowES->>WebhookFulfillment: Fulfillment: <br/>Hi there!
    Note right of WebhookFulfillment: Update conversation state and<br/>navigate to the next turn!
    WebhookFulfillment-->>DialogflowES: Rsp: <br/>Hello, I'm Justin!
    DialogflowES-->>FacebookMessenger: Rsp: <br/>Hello, I'm Justin!
    FacebookMessenger-->>User: Rsp: <br/>Hello, I'm Justin!

Getting Started

Until I have time to adequately document this project, the best way to understand how to use this library is to review projects that implement it:


The latest javascript documentation can be found here.

NOTE: Unfortunately, I no longer work for Cisco Systems, and this repository will no longer be maintained - Justin Randall