
A browserify plugin for packing modules into common shared bundles.

browserify-plugin, common, bundle
npm install common-bundle@0.3.2



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A browserify plugin for packing modules into common shared bundles.


  • Group one or more entries (modules) together to create a bundle.
  • Extract common modules from bundles to create additional shared bundles.
  • b.bundle() generates a stream flowing vinyl file objects.




One bundle for each page

var browserify = require('browserify')
var glob = require('glob')

var basedir = '/path/to/src'
var entries = glob.sync('page/**/index.js', { cwd: basedir })
var b = browserify(entries, { basedir: basedir })

b.plugin('common-bundle', {
  // Pack each index.js and their dependencies into one bundle
  // (with a path like page/**/index.js)
  groups: 'page/**/index.js',

var vfs = require('vinyl-fs')
// Write all bundles to the build directory



One additional bundle shared by all page-specific bundles

var browserify = require('browserify')
var glob = require('glob')

var basedir = '/path/to/src'
var entries = glob.sync('page/**/index.js', { cwd: basedir })
var b = browserify(entries, { basedir: basedir })

b.plugin('common-bundle', {
  groups: 'page/**/index.js',

  common: {
    // create a common bundle for all bundles
    // whose path matches **/*.js
    output: 'common.js',
    filter: '**/*.js',

var vfs = require('vinyl-fs')




The default output of factor-bundle would be:


NOTE: factor-bundle may pack modules, that are not needed by some pages, into the common bundle. common-bundle will try to make sure every page load only necessary modules.

Shared bundle for each group of page-specific bundles

var browserify = require('browserify')
var glob = require('glob')

var basedir = '/path/to/src'
var entries = glob.sync('page/**/index.js', { cwd: basedir })
var b = browserify(entries, { basedir: basedir })

b.plugin('common-bundle', {
  groups: 'page/**/index.js',

  common: [
      output: 'common-hello-and-hi.js',
      filter: ['page/hello/index.js', 'page/hi/index.js']
      output: 'common-red-and-green.js',
      filter: ['page/red/index.js', 'page/green/index.js']

var vfs = require('vinyl-fs')




var browserify = require('browserify')

var b = browserify(entries, bopts)

b.plugin('common-bundle', options)



Specify some entries and create a bundle for containing them and their dependencies.

typeof options.groups === 'object'
  • options.groups.output

Specify the path to the new bundle

Type: String

output should be a path relative to the final build directory.

  // entries with a pattern like page/**/index.js will be packed into bundle.js
  output: 'bundle.js',
  filter: 'page/**/index.js',

Type: Function

filter is ignored. output will be called with each module file path, and the returned value (if there is any) is used as the file path to the new bundle.

  output: function (file) {
    if (file.endsWith('/page/A/index.js')) {
      return 'page/A/index.js'
    if (file.endsWith('/page/B/index.js')) {
      return 'page/B/index.js'

Type: Falsy

If options.groups.filter says that the given module should go to a new bundle, path.relative(basedir, moduleFile) is used as the file path to the new bundle.

  • options.groups.filter

Specify the the entries that should go to the new bundle

Type: String, Array

Passed to multimatch to test module files.

Relative patterns will be resolved to absolute paths from basedir.

Type: Function

Called with each module file path. If true returned, that module will be packed into the new bundle.

typeof options.groups === 'string'

b.plugin('common-bundle', { groups: pattern }) is equivalent to b.plugin('common-bundle', { groups: { filter: pattern } }).

typeof options.groups === 'function'

b.plugin('common-bundle', { groups: fn }) is equivalent to b.plugin('common-bundle', { groups: { output: fn } }).

Array.isArray(options.groups) === true

Each element is processed as a groups option.

    output: 'page/A/index.js',
    filter: 'page/A/index.js',
    output: 'page/B/index.js',
    filter: 'page/B/index.js',


After processing options.groups, some bundles have been created, which are called original bundles.

The original bundles (or some of them) may share a lot of common modules. We can use options.common to create common bundles containing the shared modules, and remove them from the original bundles.

NOTE If there is only one single original bundle, this option is ignored.

typeof options.common === 'object'
  • options.common.output

Specify the file path to the new common bundle.

Type: String

// Modules shared by all original bundles go to `common.js`
b.plugin('common-bundle', {
  common: {
    // the file path to the new common bundle
    output: 'common.js',
    // the filter glob will be used to match original bundles
    filter: '**/*.js',
  • options.common.filter

Specify which group of bundles should share the new common bundle.

Type: String, Array

Passed to multimatch to test bundle files.

Type: Function

Receives all the bundles created yet, and should return an array of some of them.

Type: otherwise

The new common bundle is shared by all bundles created yet.

b.plugin('common-bundle', { common: 'common.js' })
Array.isArray(options.common) === true

Each element is treated as an options.common to create bundles.

b.plugin('common-bundle', {
  // create original page-specific bundles
  // with path `page/**/index.js` for each page A, B, C, D
  groups: 'page/**/index.js',
  common: [
      // new common bundle
      output: 'ab.js',
      // match against the four page-specific bundles
      filter: ['page/A/index.js', 'page/B/index.js'],
      // new common bundle
      output: 'cd.js',
      // match against the four page-specific bundles and `ab.js`
      filter: ['page/C/index.js', 'page/D/index.js'],
      // new common bundle
      output: 'common.js',
      // match against the four page-specific bundles,
      // `ab.js`, and `cd.js`
      filter: ['ab.js', 'cd.js'],

The first configuration is processed the way above to create a new common bundle.

However, when processing the second, its filter will match against all the known bundles, including the original bundles and the common bundle created from the first configuration.

The same thing happens for the third configuration, and so on and on.

Thus, common of common bundles could be possible, like common.js in the example above.

What if two configurations share the same output?

b.plugin('common-bundle', {
  groups: 'page/**/index.js',
  common: [
      output: 'common.js',
      filter: ['page/A/index.js', 'page/B/index.js'],
      output: 'minor.js',
      filter: ['page/**/index.js', '!page/A/index.js', '!page/B/index.js'],
      // common.js has already been created
      output: 'common.js',
      // nothing happens to common.js
      // but modules in minor.js are removed if they are also in common.js
      filter: 'minor.js',


Specify the base for relative paths to bundles and module files.

Type: String

Default: b._options.basedir


b.on('', (bundleMap, inputMap) => {})

Suppose there are two pages, hi and hello, and both depend upon lodash and say.

We can use the following options to create a common.js, and check bundleMap and inputMap.

b.plugin('common-bundle', {
  groups: 'page/**/index.js',
  common: 'common.js',
b.on('', function (bundleMap, inputMap) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(bundleMap, null, 2))
  console.log(JSON.stringify(inputMap, null, 2))


  // bundle => {}
  "page/hi/index.js": {
    "modules": [
      // modules in this bundle
    "deps": [
      // bundles should come before this bundle
  "page/hello/index.js": {
    "modules": [
    "deps": [
  "common.js": {
    "modules": [


  // input file => [bundles]
  "page/hello/index.js": [
  "page/hi/index.js": [

b.on('common.pipeline', (id, pipeline) => {})

Every time a bundle created, a common.pipeline event is emitted with its id and the packing pipeline.

A pipeline is a labeled-stream-splicer:

You can call pipeline.get with a label name to get a handle on a stream pipeline that you can push(), unshift(), or splice() to insert your own transform streams.

Event handlers must be attached before calling b.plugin.

Work with watchify2 and gulp

var through = require('through2')
var browserify = require('browserify')

gulp.task('build', function() {
  var b = browserify({ basedir: '/path/to/src' })
  b.plugin('common-bundle', {
    // page-specific bundles
    groups: 'page/**/index.js',
    // common bundle shared by all pages
    common: 'common.js',

  return gulp.src('page/**/index.js', {
    cwd: b._options.basedir,
    read: false,
  .pipe(through.obj(function (file, _, next) {
  }, function (next) {
      .on('data', file => this.push(file))
      .on('end', () => this.push(null))

gulp.task('watch', function (cb) {
  var b = browserify({ basedir: '/path/to/src' })
  b.plugin('common-bundle', {
    // page-specific bundles
    groups: 'page/**/index.js',
    // common bundle shared by all pages
    common: 'common.js',

  b.plugin('watchify2', {
    // now we can add or remove page entries
    // and that would cause `b.bundle()` to be executed.
    entryGlob: 'page/**/index.js',
  gulp.src('page/**/index.js', {
    cwd: b._options.basedir,
    read: false,
  .pipe(through.obj(function (file, _, next) {
  }, function (next) {
    b.on('update', bundle)

  function bundle() {
      .on('data', file => console.log('bundle:', file.relative))
      .on('end', () => console.log('-'.repeat(40)))