Generates react components from templates

Create, Generate, Generator, React, Vue, Angular, Component, Library, Monorepo, Template, Templates, Scaffold, front-end, javascript, tooling
npm install create-component-template@2.0.1


Create Component Template

Creates components from templates. Useful for component libraries (monorepos).

Originally made to generate React components but can be used as a generic code generator.

create-component-template example


npm i -D create-component-template


Template Directory

First, create a templates directory of the same structure as you wish to structure your component in.

This can be placed anywhere within your app's directory and pointed to using the cct.config file (see below).

Example Template Directory:

├── component.template.js
├── fixture.template.js
├── package.json.template.js
├── scss.template.js
└── test.template.js

Each file should be a function that takes a component name and returns an es6 template literal.

The component name should be injected with string interpolation where required. Like so:

module.exports = componentName => `\
// @flow

import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';

type Props = {
  /** CSS modules style object */
  theme: {
    class${componentName}: string

 * NavBar
 * @extends PureComponent<Props>
class ${componentName} extends PureComponent<Props> {
  render() {
    const { class${componentName} } = this.props;
    return (
      <div className={class${componentName}}>
        <h1>Hello from ${componentName}</h1>

export default ${componentName};

For more examples look in the src/templates directory.

The src/templates directory is used by default if no custom templates and config are provided.

Config File

The config file tells create-component-template where your templates are stored and how to use them.

create-component-template will look for the config file in the following places in this order:

  1. the location provided using the cli option -c or --config and any given filename
  2. in the root dir of the project under cct.config
  3. as part of the package.json file under cct.config

Finally, if none of these options are found it will default to using default templates.

A config file should be structured like so:

module.exports = {
  templatesDirectory: 'config/templates',
  templates: [
      folderName: '__fixtures__',
      templateName: 'fixture.template.js',
      extension: '.fixture.js'
      folderName: '__tests__',
      templateName: 'test.template.js',
      extension: '.test.js'
      folderName: '__themes__',
      templateName: 'scss.template.js',
      extension: '.scss'
      fileName: 'package.json',
      templateName: 'package.json.template.js',
      extension: '.json'
      fileName: 'index.js',
      templateName: 'component.template.js',
      extension: '.js'
  • templatesDirectory - the relative path to your templates directory.

  • templates - an array of template config objects.

  • extension - the custom file extension you wish to provide.

  • templateName - the name of the template file to use.

  • fileName - (optional) what to call the file. otherwise use the user prompt provided name.

  • folderName - (optional) specify this if you wish to place the file inside a folder with said name.

TIP: Use multiple config files that use the same templates directory in order to get different configurations. You can also use Object.assign/ the spread operator to share the majority of config file contents.

CLI Options

create-component [command]

  create-component    Scaffolds a new component via user prompt unless
                               cli args are specified. See --help for more

  --version           Show version number                              [boolean]
  --config, -c        Path to a config file
  --name, -n          Name of the component
  --path, -p          Path to create the component at
  --help              Show help                                        [boolean]

