debrix 0.1.0-0 on npm - - security & maintenance data for open source software

Efficient progressive component-based Javascript library

ui, mvvm, debrix
npm install debrix@0.1.0-0


Debrix Banner: Efficient progressive component-based Javascript library

Debrix is a MVVM library for building web user interfaces. Components are truly declarative and nativly reactive with a model. Debrix components are compiled into lightweight runtime code. Debrix progressivly re-renders parts of the DOM to stay in sync with the model without any processing (e.g. virtual dom). Components are explicit and simple to write, document, maintain and read.


Debrix is far from being complete. The library is under active development. Most features are not implemented or tested yet and will break. Only use debrix is it's current state to experiment. Don't post the library in a forum or similar, I don't want the project to have much attention yet. Ideas and questions are very welcome under the discussions. See the contributing notice.

Contributing Notice

Code contributing is currently not possible due to the ongoing drastic changes. However, ideas and questions are much appriciated in discussions. All planned features and found issues are documented as issues.