
TypeScript port of diagrams

npm install diagrams-ts@0.3.10




Monorepository for TypeScript-Port of the python library diagrams by mingrammer. Creating architecture diagrams directly from code.


Inspired by the nice visuals and easy to read syntax of the original library, this port tries to provide the same for Typescript. Styles and the Nodes are taken from the original library. It also uses graphviz for the final graph rendering.


The main package containing the complete nodejs package can be found in the packages/diagrams-tsdirectory.

packages/graphviz-cli-renderer contains a thin nodejs wrapper for the dotcli tool.

packages/graphviz-functional-ts contains the package used to construct dotoutput files from typescript functions.

Installation and Requirements

In order to create svg, png or webp output you'll need to install graphviz. This package expects dot cli of graphviz to be available in your path. You can check this by running:

dot -v

This package is build for ES2015. For developing you'll need a node version >= 14.

Install this package by running:

npm install diagrams-ts

# or when using yarn

yarn add diagram-ts

For more examples of the syntax you can take look at the examples folder. In order to run them, you can use ts-node e.g.:

# In the project root:

yarn ts-node ./examples/diagrams-example.ts