
Command line tool that can be used to diff two Xcode targets

XCode, Targets, Approvals, CLI
npm install diffxcodetargets@0.0.2



Command line tool that can be used to diff two Xcode targets source files, frameworks and build settings.

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ this is a bit of an early spike 🚧 🚧 🚧

Sample of a diff

sample image of a diff of two targets

diffXcodeTargets is a command line utility I threw together that allows you to visualize the differences between two Xcode project targets using a diff tool.

Install it with npm

npm install -g diffxcodetargets

How to use it?

You can first call it by passing in the path to your project file and no targets and it will print out what targets are available.

> diffXcodeTargets ./myProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

Could not find TargetA ''. Possible targets are:
  - targetA
  - targetB

Now you know your available targets and you can call it with the two targets you want to diff:

diffXcodeTargets ./myProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj targetA targetB

CLI Usage

  diffXcodeTargets projectFilePath targetA targetB

       [--version] : Prints just the version

       [--help] : Prints this help info

       [--debug] : Logs extra diagnostic debug info


diffXcodeTargets ./myProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj targetA targetB