DinO enabled REST framework based on express
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npm install dino-express@2.1.3
DinO Express's aim is to create a configuration first framework for exposing web APIs. The basic idea os that the first step of development starts with defining your Swagger/OpenAPI definition and provide it to DinO Express which will map your API and connect directly your code using the standard operationId defined for each API, this allow you to focus on your business requirements and the aspects that matters for your application leaving the boilerplate to DinO Express.
In order to be able to connect your Swagger/OpenAPI definition with your code seemlesly DinO Express define the concept of Interface, an interface is a Component on DinO world which responsibility is to accept the input from the users and propagate, after the required checks are performed, it to your services.
An example of how DinE Express works is provided on the examples/json folder, you can run it using the following command:
DINO_CONTEXT_ROOT=examples/json DINO_CONFIG_PATH=examples/json/config.json node examples/json/main.js
DinO Express integrate with Swagger UI, this allow you to easilly test your APIs and provide a clear interface for documentation, the Swagger UI will ba accessible at http://localhost:3030/api-docs or in general http[s]://hostname[:port]/api-docs.