
Say hello world

npm install dj-hello-world-es@0.0.5


DJ Hello World

Demonstration of using single project to publish npm package for multiple builds.


This project attempts to use one source code to distribute multiple packages. By writing the source code in Typescript we can strongly type all of the defined functions. Also when compiling the Typescript code, we need to decide what module code generation to use. In this project the code is compiled to esm and cjs using rollup.js. Before publishing the package to NPM, we need write a package.json. To avoid having to write and modify multiple package.json and, stamp-pkg.config.js have been written to copy, stamp, and modify some parts of the templates and place them in the package folder.

Key Structure

  • src - Contains all your source code
  • templates - Contains template files for your packages, such as and package.json.
  • package.json - Define all your build, pack, publish instructions here.
  • stamp-pkg.config.js - Here we defines the configuration for stamp-pkg for copying and stamping the templates to the build folder.
  • rollup.config.js - Contains rules for each out format (iife/cjs/esm).


To avoid building on top of redundant files from previous build, delete packages folder. To build the packages, run:

npm run build


To publish all of the packages first run the build command then run:

npm run publish:all

Using the Package

Before anything we should install the dependencies:

npm i dj-hello-world dj-hello-world-es dj-hello-world-iife

Via script tag

Write a html file importing the script.

<!-- you can import from node_modules -->
<script src="node_modules/dj-hello-world/index.js"></script>
<!-- or import from unpkg -->
<script src=""></script>

After importing the script you can use the global variable DJ_Hello_World.

  let world = new DJ_Hello_World.World();

Check the printed messages in the console from browser's Developer Tools tab.

ES module

Add the following script as type="module" in a html file.

import { World, Language } from "node_modules/dj-hello-world/index.esm.js";

const newWorld = new World();


Check the printed messages in the console from browser's Developer Tools tab.


Node.js uses CommonJS for managing packages. Meaning it uses the require function to import the packages. Run the following script in node.js.

const djHelloWorld = require("dj-hello-world");
const helloWorld = djHelloWorld.helloWorld;
const World = djHelloWorld.World;
const Language = djHelloWorld.Language;

const newWorld = new World();


Check the printed messages in the console.


First clone the github repo:

git clone

Then install the dependencies:

npm i

Run npm start to run demos for both browser and the node.js:

npm start

Should see meaningful messages in the consoles.

Start via node_modules

First install the dependencies:

npm i

Run the following command: for browser:

npm run start:browser

for node:

npm run start:node

Should see meaningful messages in console.

Start via local build

Create a build (for clean build, delete packages folder)

npm run build

Run the following command: for browser:

npm run start:local:browser

for node:

npm run start:local:node

Should see meaningful messages in console.