
Simple web form and uploader to PUT files onto my WebDAV server.

upload, put
npm install easydav-jqput-pmb@1.0.1



Simple web form and uploader to PUT files onto my WebDAV server.

I chose the package name and started building the form with jQuery because I assumed it would help me with the XHR part, as it usually does. Unfortunately I couldn't find a way to send a raw file blob with jQuery's XHR yet. For now the upload function uses the rather verbose plain JS API, which works but makes the name a bit misleading.

Live Demo

… of the UI – GitHub pages won't accept your file uploads. Or look at a screenshot.


  1. Make a URL space that allows PUT, e.g. a WebDAV folder.
    • You should restrict access to that. (Why?)
  2. Set up a page like example.html somewhere (else) on your webserver.
  3. Fix the paths in it:
    • URL to this module's CSS
    • URL to this module's JS
    • URL to jQuery (version 3.x recommended)
  4. Adjust the style sheet if you like, then remove the dummy entries from the uploads list.
  5. Configure the other settings to your needs or remove those you don't want. Config is explained in HTML comments in the example form.

Known issues

  • Needs more/better tests and docs.

