Templating integration for the ee-soa-transport-rest based on Nunjucks

npm install ee-templates@0.4.5



Templating integration for Nunjucks (Middleware)


The middleware can be hooked into the application stack and will append a render(status, headers, data, callback) method to the original http response (or any kind of response which adheres to the interface defined for response in ee-webserver). The renderer method contains a renderer resolved based on the accept headers, which renders the passed content into an appropriate representation for the http protocol (properly supperted at the moment: text/html or application/json).


Currently there are only two supported renderers: HTML and JSON. The environments (nunjucks) are application specific and need to be passed to the middleware.


The HTMLRenderer is a wrapper for nunjucks. It creates a new environment based on the domain of the request and loads the template which has to be set on the request (in our case resolved by the rewriting middleware).


The DefaultRenderer uses JSON.stringify and converts the passed data to a string.

Templating Extensions

The templating extensions originally provided by this package were moved to their own packages ee-soa-extension-api and ee-soa-extension-locale. Since environments now are passed into the middleware, the dependency is removed and extensions are directly attached by the running application.


  • Add a better loader which allows loading the templates asynchronously
  • Improve handling of the mapping between the accept header and the renderer.

Media Types

Further readings



  • the render method of the response now directly writes the data back to the original response
  • the renderers now directly write their assigned content type to the response
  • the renderers directly create server errors if the rendering created an error
  • therefore the API has slightly changed from render(data, callback) to render(status, headers, data, callback)