
Type safe translations for Elm. The npm package contains a binary to autogenerate Elm code from a json specification.

npm install elm-translator@2.0.8



This is package to provide type safe internationalisation, where translations can be loaded at runtime. Default translations, substitutions and pluralisation are supported.


Translations are usually loaded at runtime from a JSON file.


Substitutions are implemented by surrounding the literal in braces:

  "MyNameIs": "Je m'appelle {name}"


Pluralisation is implemented by having the singular case on the left of the pipe symbol, and all other cases on the right. The number is be substituted using {count}.

  "MyAge": "I am only one year old|I'm {count} years old"

Code generation

elm-translator is also an npm package containing a single binary elm-translator which can be used to automatically generate the required Elm code to allow for type-safe translation based on a JSON specification. This same JSON specification can be used to create the JSON translation file, and check that existing translation files aren't missing any translations (to be implemented).

This is an example specification file.

  "hello": {},
  "login": {
    "default": "Please login"
  "welcomeMessage": {
    "substitutions": [
    "default": "Hello {name}"
  "ageMessage": {
    "pluralise": true,
    "substitutions": [
    "default": "{name} is just one|{name} is {count} years old"

In order to generate an Elm Literals module, you would use:

npx elm-translator generate -f literals.json

In order to generate an Elm Literals module in a specific package, you would use:

npm elm-translator generate -f literals.json --modulename MyApp.Literals