
Emscripten mozjpeg port

emscripten, mozjpeg, turbojpeg, jpeg
npm install emozjpeg@0.0.2


Emscripten mozjpeg port

Port of MozJPEG project to Emscripten.

Browser usage

Example using Browserify tool:


import encoder

{encode} = require "emozjpeg"

create image object

image = new Image

image.onload = -> # get image size {width, height} = image

# create canvas and set size canvas = document.createElement "canvas" canvas.width = width canvas.height = height

# get drawing context context = canvas.getContext "2d" # draw image to canvas context.drawImage image, 0, 0, width, height

# get raw image data {data} = context.getImageData 0, 0, width, height

# encode image result = encode {data, width, height, quality, sampling, flags}

# load data to blob blob = new Blob [result], type: 'text/html' # create object url url = URL.createObjectURL blob

# load encoded image image.src = url

load original image

image.src = "path/to/originalImage.jpg" ```

NodeJS usage

npm install emozjpeg


import encoder

{encode} = require "emozjpeg"

import file utils

{readFileSync, writeFileSync} = require "fs"

import canvas library

Canvas = require "canvas" {Image} = Canvas

create image

image = new Image

load image

image.src = readFileSync "originalImage.jpg"

get image size

{width, height} = image

create canvas and set size

canvas = new Canvas 100, 100 canvas.width = width canvas.height = height

get drawing context

context = canvas.getContext "2d"

draw image to canvas

context.drawImage image, 0, 0, width, height

get raw image data

{data} = context.getImageData 0, 0, width, height

encode image

result = encode {data, width, height, quality, sampling, flags}

write result to file

writeFileSync "convertedImage.jpg", result ```

Command-line tool

``` usage: convert [options]

source image

-f, --flags=BOTTOMUP,FASTUPSAMPLE,FASTDCT,ACCURATEDCT coma-separated conversion flags (default: none) -h, --help display help & usage -o, --output=IMAGE output image -q, --quality=PERCENT jpeg quality (default: 70) -s, --sampling=444,422,420,GRAY,440,411 conversion sampling (default: 444) -v, --version display cli name & version

Convert images using mozjpeg ```