
a minimum tool for enforcing your repository to hook conventional commits at git commit.

conventional commits, git hooks
npm install enforcing-convensional-commit@1.0.19



a minimum tool for enforcing your repository to hook conventional commits at git commit.


npm i enforcing-convensional-commit -D

You can enforce developpers to install the git-hook script if you follow the above way when each users initialize your repository with npm install.

if you wish to install the git-hook script just for you,
you can install it by npx:
npx enforcing-convensional-commit
or by just running sh script directly from web:
source <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yabe-diverta/enforcing-convensional-commit/main/install)


:question: We already hold a repository, how enforce developpers to respect it?

execute the first command we mentioned at first,
just notice your coworkers to run git pull && npm install.

:question: We use PHP, not using Node, how we setup?

the first command is completely for a repository using npm project,
therefore if you wish to follow the same way,
you can add some lines like as post-install event hook suited for your language.

for example, your PHP project should be using Composer,
post-install-cmd may work with the 3rd command.

:question: I want to follow the way but in a global configuration for personal use.

please run source <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yabe-diverta/enforcing-convensional-commit/main/install.global)