
Copy files, directories and links in node cp -R

copy, cp, cp -r, dereference, dir, directory, fs, file, file system, filter, limit, link, mkdir, mkdirp, overwrite, preserve, recursive, statistics, stream, timestamps
npm install enfscopy@0.0.3


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Module that add copy functionality to node fs module

enfs stands for [E]asy [N]ode [fs]

This module is intended to work as a sub-module of enfs


This module will add a method that allows the copy of multiple files and folder in the file system, similar to cp -R

  • This module will add following methods to node fs module:
    • copy
    • copySync



    var enfscopy = require("enfscopy");


All the methods follows the node culture.

  • Async: Every async method returns an Error in the first callback parameter
  • Sync: Every sync method throws an Error.

Additional Methods


  • copy(srcPath, dstPath, [options], callback)

Asynchronously copy items in the file system


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • limit (Integer): the limit number of files being copied at a moment (Default: fs module limit or 512)
  • overwrite (Boolean): if true will overwrite destination files if they exist before copy (Default: false)
  • preserveTimestamps (Boolean): if true will preserve the timestamps of copied items (Default: false)
  • stopOnError (Boolean): if true will stop copy execution at first error (Default: false)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks copying the items to where it points (default: false)
  • errors (Array or Stream): If array or stream, the errors that occur will be logged and returned
    enfscopy.copy("/path/to/src/folder", "/path/to/destination", function(err, statistics){
            console.log("Copied %d items with a total size of %d",statistics.items,statistics.size);


  • copySync(srcPath, dstPath, [options])

Synchronously copy items in the file system


  • fs (Object): an alternative fs module to use (default will be enfspatch)
  • limit (Integer): the limit number of files being copied at a moment (Default: fs module limit or 512)
  • overwrite (Boolean): if true will overwrite destination files if they exist before copy (Default: false)
  • preserveTimestamps (Boolean): if true will preserve the timestamps of copied items (Default: false)
  • stopOnError (Boolean): if true will stop copy execution at first error (Default: false)
  • dereference (Boolean): if true will dereference symlinks copying the items to where it points (default: false)
  • errors (Array or Stream): If array or stream, the errors that occur will be logged and returned
    var statistics = enfscopy.copySync("/path/to/src/folder", "/path/to/destination");
    console.log("Copied %d items with a total size of %d",statistics.items,statistics.size);


This functionality is based on NCP with many improvements and a sync version.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Copyright (c) 2016 Joao Parreira joaofrparreira@gmail.com GitHub

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit CC-BY-4.0.