
Byte-Sized JavaScript Coding Standards

analyzers, byte-sized javascript, byte-sized,, coding, demos, education, eslint, javascript, learning, podcast, rules, rulesets, screencast, standards, static analyzers, static, tutorials, validators, vidcast, videocast, videos, bytesized-javascript, conventions, default-ruleset, linter, nodejs, plugin, react, ruleset, trainings
npm install eslint-config-jsbites@0.7.2


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Byte-Sized JavaScript Coding Standards is a repository to share common ESLint rules that we use across all Byte-Sized JavaScript repositories.

The rulesets assume sane defaults. — You can directly use them in your projects our you can extend and customize them to suit your specific needs.


Make sure that you have ESLint installed in your project.

Install Byte-Sized JavaScript Coding Standards via npm:

npm install eslint-config-jsbites

Usage Examples

Extend to jbites in your .eslintrc as follows:

    "extends": "jsbites"

Or if you are using React in your project, use the the React-specific ruleset as follows:

    "extends": "jsbites/react"

Or if you are on a Node.JS runtime and/or you don’t use a transpiler at all, use the following ruleset:

    "extends": "jsbites/node"

That’s it!


This module does not pre-install any dependencies.

So when running eslint if you might get an error message prompting you to install additional eslint parsers and plugins.

Most of the time what you will need to install will be self-explanatory when you look at the error message.

If you have any problems though, feel free to file an issue.

Package Scripts

Here are the helper npm scripts that you can run via npm:

  • npm test: Executes the unit tests.
  • npm run lint: Checks whether the source JavaScript is well-formed.

Important Files and Folders

  • ./index.js: The default ruleset.
  • ./react.js: React-specific rulest.
  • ./node.js: Node.JS-specific rulest.
  • A log of what has been done since the last version.
  • Tells the collaborators to be nice to each other.
  • This very file.

Wanna Help?

Any help is more than appreciated.

If you want to contribute to the source code, fork this repository and create a pull request.

In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.

Also, don’t forget to add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.

If you want to report a bug; or share a comment or suggestion, file an issue.

I’ve Found a Bug; I Have an Idea

For bug reports and suggestions, please file an issue.

Contact Information


MIT-licensed. — See the license file for details.

Code of Conduct

We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of the level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.

See the code of conduct for details.

A ByteSized.TV Project

This repository is a part of the Byte-Sized JavaScript VideoCasts.

It is a compilation of short (around ten minutes) screencasts about JavaScript and related technologies.

Learn, explore, and have fun!