Essence Input - Input component

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npm install essence-input@1.0.9


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Essence - The Essential Material Design Framework

About Essence

Essence is a CSS framework that implements the guidelines from Google Material Design Specification using Facebook's react.js library. Use it to easily build super-fast and great looking web & mobile interfaces.

See here what you can build with Essence and how to do it. We've got several examples that will help you get started.


npm install react-essence

Import components

import AppBar from 'essence-appbar';
import BottomSheets from 'essence-bottomsheet';
import Btn from 'essence-button';
import Chip from 'essence-chip';
import {Card, CardHeader, CardContent, CardFooter} from 'essence-card';
import {Block, Text, Divider, Utils} from 'essence-core';
import DataTable from 'essence-data-table';
import Icon from 'essence-icon';
import Image from 'essence-image';
import Input from 'essence-input';
import {List, ListItem} from 'essence-list';
import Menu from 'essence-menu';
import Navigation from 'essence-navigation';
import Paper from 'essence-paper';
import Progress from 'essence-progress';
import Slider from 'essence-slider';
import SnackBar from 'essence-snackbar';
import Stepper from 'essence-stepper';
import Switch from 'essence-switch';
import Tab from 'essence-tab';
import Toast from 'essence-toast';
import ToolBar from 'essence-toolbar';
import Tooltip from 'essence-tooltip';
import TouchPad from 'essence-touchpad';

How to use

Use the example or live example from each component page.

About us

We are a team of front end developers with extensive experience in building highly desirable products for both large companies and startups alike here at

We're very fond of our UI/UX craft and we're constantly creating tools that allow us to work smarter and faster. Essence is one of those tools and we're happy to release it as open-source.


Essence is MIT licensed.

Essence documentation is Creative Commons licensed.