
Recurrent file fetching tool

file, fetch, fetching, recurrent, cron, download, downloader, fetcher, files
npm install file-fetcher@0.8.3


I don't want to read the README

Just show me how it works as fast as possible!

npm i -g file-fetcher
mkdir /tmp/file-fetcher-test
cd !$
echo '[
    "url": "",
    "path": "img",
    "name": "#.jpg",
    "delay": 1
]' > config.json
file-fetcher config.json

The images are being downloaded to /tmp/file-fetcher-test/img every minute.

File fetcher

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file-fetcher is a simple tool that lets you download files recurrently.


$ npm install -g file-fetcher


  • Create a config file with your configuration (See documentation and example below)
  • Quick use:
$ file-fetcher <config file>
  • Pro use:
$ file-fetcher
    [ --config | -c ]      <config file>
    [ --destination | -d   <destination folder>  ]

Default destination folder is cwd.

Config file properties

The config file must contain an array of objects. Each object corresponds to a file and can/must have the following properties:

Property Type Required? Default Description
url String ✓ The complete URL from which to download the file
path String ✓ The relative local path where to save the file
name String ✓ The name pattern of the destination file (e.g.: my-file-number-#.jpg)
description String name The string used to represent the file in log messages
firstIndex Number 1 The first number used as index (#) in name pattern
digits Number 3 The minimum number of digits for the index (#) in name pattern. Smaller numbers will be padded with 0s on the left.
cron String ✓ or delay The cron pattern that determines the download frequence
delay Number ✓ or cron The delay in minutes that determines the download frequence

File name pattern

The file name needs to be a pattern in order to not overwrite the same file after each download.

Pattern substitutions:

String Replaced by
# Index of the download iteration
{date} A string representing the current time

delay vs cron

To determine the download frequence of each file, you can use either the delay property or the cron property.

  • delay is simply a number of minutes between each download
    N.B.: due to the cron implementation, using a number like 29 will trigger a download at 00:00, 00:29, 00:58, 01:00, 01:29, ...
  • cron is a cron expression

Config example

    "url": "",
    "name": "file_nb_#({date}).jpg",
    "path": "relative/path/to/file",
    "cron": "0 0/2 7-18 * * *",
    "description": "my file"
    "url": "",
    "name": "file_nb_#.jpg",
    "firstIndex": 42,
    "digits": 4,
    "path": "relative/path/to/other/file",
    "delay": 3,
    "description": "my other file"

A functional .sample.config.json file is provided in the sources.