
A basic framework for making interaction based discord bot

nodejs, typescript, discord-js, echo-vr, echo-are
npm install fishy-bot-framework@0.3.1


FishyBot Framework

A framework for creating complex discord bots easily.

How to use:

  1. install the package with npm install fishy-bot-framework -s
  2. import the package with either import * as FBF from "fishy-bot-framework" or const FBF = require("fishy-bot-framework")
  3. Start a new client:
import * as FBF from "fishy-bot-framework"
const client = new FBF.FishyClient({
  token:"discord bot token",
  author:"Your name",
  db_uri: "mongodb://",
  guild_model: GuildModel,
  cmd_dir: "dist/commands",


A basic command should look something like this

// The code that gets run when the command gets called;
// It takes the arguments `FishyClient` and `Interaction`
export const run: FishyCommandCode = async (client, interaction) => {
  interaction.send(`Current websocket ping: \`${}ms\``);

// The configuration of the commands, it needs this to run
export const config: FishyCommandConfig = {
  name: "ping",               // Name of the command
  bot_needed: false,          // If the bot user is required to be in the guild
                              // Needed for `` for example
  user_perms: [],             // An array of permissions the user needs to run the command
  interaction_options: {      // Discord interaction options
    name: "ping",
    description: "Ping the bot"

Use these steps to create a new category

create - /commands/"category"/
create - /commands/"category"/index.ts
export - "name" & "description" from /commands/"category"/index.ts
create - /commands/"category"/command.ts




To create a button you can run:

interaction.send("Message", {
  components: [
      type: ComponentType.ActionRow,
      components: [
          type: ComponentType.Button,
          style: ComponentStyle.Success,
          label: "HEY",
          custom_id: "send_ping",

To run code when this button is pressed, you can create a new file just like a normal command. You can put this file anywhere you can place a normal command.

Put this code in the new file:

export const run: FishyComponentCommandCode = async (client, interaction) => {
  if (interaction instanceof ButtonInteraction) {
    const memberID =;
    const member = await interaction.guild?.members.fetch(memberID);
    await member?.kick();
    interaction.send("Kicked the member!");

export const config: FishyComponentCommandConfig = {
  custom_id: "kick_",
  atStart: true,
  bot_needed: true,
  user_perms: ["KICK_MEMBERS"],

Select menus

To send a select menu, just like a button, you need to send message components

interaction.send("oi", {
  components: [
      type: ComponentType.ActionRow,
      components: [
          type: ComponentType.Select,
          custom_id: "selectOption",
          options: [
              label:"Option 1", value:"1",
              label:"Option 2", value:"2",
              label:"Option 3", value:"3",
              label:"Option 4", value:"4",
              label:"Option 5", value:"5",
          max_values: 3,
          min_values: 1,

Then to do something with them

export const run: FishyComponentCommandCode = async (client, interaction) => {
  if (interaction instanceof SelectInteraction) {
    interaction.sendSilent(`You have selected: \`${", ")}\``);

export const config: FishyComponentCommandConfig = {
  custom_id: "selectOption",


A basic event file should look something like this:

export const trigger: WSEventType | string = "INTERACTION_CREATE";
export async function run(client, data){



Required Mongoose data fields:

  id: String,     // The guild's id for fetching, index this
  settings: Object   // Used for disabeling commands