JavaScript Library that flows text simply

flowly-js, npm, javascript, library
npm install flowly-js@1.1.5



Demo is here



Add Flowly.js to your project with npm install --save or yarn add

Now, you can require or import the library, depending on your favorite workflow.

const Flowly = require('flowly-js')
// or
import Flowly from 'flowly-js'

Of course you can also simply copy over the compiled file from the dist folder and include it like any other 3rd party script. Make sure to run npm install in the Flowly folder to compile the project. Or download the precompiled files from the release section.

<script src="dist/flowly.js"></script>
<!-- or if you prefer minified -->
<script src="dist/flowly.min.js"></script>


var flowly = new Flowly('#container', {
  padding: { top: 10, bottom: 10 },
  duration: 3000

// Add Text
  body: 'message',
  size: 50,
  duration: 1500,
  color: '#333333',
  shadow: '#000000'

// Add Image
  url: './images/fish.png',
  width: size + 'px',
  height: (size * 100 / 205 ) + 'px',
  duration: duration



var options = {
  text: {
    weight: 'bold',
    size  : 56,
    color : '#000',
    shadow: '#fff',
    className: 'flowly-text',
    whiteSpace: 'nowrap' || 'pre',
    zIndex: 2147483647,
    fontFamily: '-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", "Yu Gothic", YuGothic, "ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3", Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN, Arial, "メイリオ", Meiryo, sans-serif'
  image: {
    height: '200px',
    width : 'auto',
    className: 'flowly-image',
  padding: {
    left: 0,
    right: 0,
    top: 0,
    bottom: 0,
  disable: false,
  duration: 2000,
  easing: 'linear',
  direction: 'right',

var flowly = new Flowly('#container', options)
Property Values Default Description
text.weight bold or normal bold text font weight
text.size integer 56 text font size
text.color rgb #000 text font color
text.shadow rgb #fff text shadow color
text.className string flowly-text text className
text.whiteSpace nowrap or pre nowrap font whiteSpace
text.zIndex integer 2147483647 text zIndex
text.fontFamily string ... text fontFamily
image.height string 200px image width
image.height string auto image height
image.className string flowly-image image className integer 0 padding top
padding.bottom integer 0 padding bottom
padding.left integer 0 padding left
padding.right integer 0 padding right
disable true or false false disable flag
duration integer 2000 animation duration
easing string linear animation easing
duration right or left or top or bottom right animation direction

Add Text Options

var options = {
  body: 'text message',
  color: '#000000'
  shadow: '#ffffff',
  size: 50,
  weight: 'bold',
  fontFamily: 'monospace',
  className: 'classname',

Property Values Default Description
body string [required] text body
size integer 56 text font size
color rgb #000 text font color
shadow rgb #fff text shadow color
weight bold or normal bold text font weight
className string flowly-text text className
fontFamily string ... text fontFamily

Add Image Options

var options = {
  src: './images/hoge.png',
  width: '200px',
  height: '300px',
  className: 'classname',

Property Values Default Description
src string [required] image src
width string 200px image width
height string auto image height
className string flowly-image image className


As a prerequisite, you will need gulp installed: npm install -g gulp

npm install
npm run build

gulp will watch the source directory for changes and automatically build the dist files, serving some demo files with live reload.




Licensed under MIT. Enjoy.