Opinionated JSX based slides generator.

npm install freya-slides@0.36.2



Version Dependencies

Opinionated static site generator.



npx --package=@perseveranza-pets/dante -- create-dante-site my-site
cd my-site
npm install
dante dev


Creating pages and files

Simply create all file needed in the build function in src/build/index.ts. You can use any framework you want, the predefined one is React.

We strongly recommend to use the createFile function exported from dante to create file as it will take care of replacing $hash in the file name with the actual file hash.

The function must return an object containing the following properties:

  • css: A css to be injected in each generated HTML page.

All properties can be (async) function that will be called for each page at runtime.

Customizing the server

If you want to customize the local server, you can create a setupServer function in src/build/server.ts. The function will receive a fastify server instance and build context.

The function can optionally return an object containing the following properties:

  • directory: A subdirectory in the dist folder to server HTML files from.


Once you have done editing, you should execute dante build. The website will be exported in the dist folder.

Adding commands to Dante

You can create a file src/build/cli.ts that should export a setupCLI function. The function will received a commander program and a pino logger in order to modify the Dante CLI.

Customize create-dante-site

You can create a file src/build/create.ts that should export a createSetupCLI function. The function will received a commander program and a pino logger in order to modify the Dante CLI.

Environments variables

  • DANTE_BUILD_FILE_PATH: The build file path. Default is src/build/index.ts.
  • DANTE_SERVER_FILE_PATH: The server file path. Default is src/build/server.ts.
  • DANTE_CLI_PATH: The CLI customization file path. Default is src/build/cli.ts.
  • DANTE_CREATE_PATH: The CLI customization file path. Default is src/build/create.ts.
  • DANTE_BASE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY: The local directory in which transpile TypeScript files before building. Default is .dante.
  • DANTE_WATCH_MODULES: If to restart the process when the Dante files in the node_modules folder are changed.
  • DANTE_WATCH_ADDITIONAL_PATHS: Which additional paths to watch.
  • DANTE_NODE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS: Additional options to pass to the node executable.
  • DANTE_PROGRAM_NAME: The name to show when doing dante --help. This is mostly for NPM modules extending Dante.
  • DANTE_PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION: The name to show when doing dante --help. This is mostly for NPM modules extending Dante.

ESM Only

This package only supports to be directly imported in a ESM context.

For informations on how to use it in a CommonJS context, please check this page.

Contributing to dante

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.


Copyright (C) 2022 and above Shogun (shogun@cowtech.it).

Licensed under the ISC license, which can be found at https://choosealicense.com/licenses/isc.