Fintech UI Components
Clone repository fromgit clone git@github.com:joy-web/fuc.js.git
cd fuc.js
npm install
Initialize the development environment
At first, You need to install Jekyll. The Fuc.js docs is based on the Jekyll.
Note: Jekyll is running in the ruby environment. You should exec the following command to install Ruby and Jekyll.
- Make sure you have installed the latest version ruby. And we use the rvm to manage ruby.
rvm install 2.5.1 # or the latest version for ruby
gem update
# or
sudo gem update
- Install jekyll and dependency package.
Note: Make sure to install dependencies in the current directory('fuc.js').
gem install jekyll bundler
bundle install
# or
bundle update
Start Jekyll server
npm start
Then, You can open the serve in browser
You can refer to more information to http://jekyllrb.com/
npm run build
Build jekyll doc
利用 jci 打包发布,利用 sure 完成上线
npm run docs-build
说明:由于 fuc.js 放到 github 上,上线之前需要先在 jcode 上创建一个分支,操作步骤如下:
- git clone http://jcode.cbpmgt.com/git/fuc_js.git 到本地,比如
- 切换到 dev 分支
git checkout dev
或者git checkout -b dev remotes/origin/dev
- 修改 docs-build.js 中的变量 fucJcodePath 改为 1 中 git clone 的目录
- 执行命令
npm run docs-build
,执行完后,会自动创建一分支 - 利用上面创建的分支在 jci 构建打包,在 sure 上完成上线
Publish to npm
npm publish
Other Development
Rouge Theme
Generate a highlighter rouge theme
npm run rouge-theme
- The rouge themes has base16, base16.dark, base16.monokai, base16.monokai.light, base16.solarized, base16.solarized.dark, colorful, github, gruvbox, gruvbox.light, molokai, monokai, monokai.sublime, thankful_eyes, tulip
- After the rouge installed rouge (gem install rouge), you can use the command
- Support highlighter language, you can view here http://rouge.jneen.net/
- the command
rougify -help style
can view all the support themes. - You can search the theme from github https://github.com/search?q=pygments+style
- https://havee.me/internet/2016-02/upgrade-github-pages-site-to-jekyll-3.html
上传到 cdn 说明
- 开发测试阶段使用 fuc 命名,有 fuc.js fuc.min.js fuc.css fuc.min.css 四个文件
- 发布某一版本时,命名规则为 fuc-version,比如 0.2.0 版本时,有 fuc-0.2.0.js fuc-0.2.0.min.js fuc-0.2.0.css fuc-0.2.0.min.css 四个文件
Please view here
JS Plugins
- datatables
- ztree http://www.treejs.cn/
- jquery-validate https://jqueryvalidation.org/
- velocity.js http://velocityjs.org/
- My97 DatePicker http://www.my97.net/