The official low-level client for Node.js and the browser.

stream, get, get-stream, chat, notification, feed,, getstream, activity-feed, javascript, news-feed, notification-feed, stream-js, timeline
npm install getstream@8.1.1


Official JavaScript SDK for Stream Feeds

build NPM

Official JavaScript API client for Stream Feeds, a web service for building scalable newsfeeds and activity streams.
Explore the docs »

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📝 About Stream

stream-js is the official JavaScript client for Stream, a web service for building scalable newsfeeds and activity streams.

Note that there is also a higher level Node integration which hooks into your ORM.

You can sign up for a Stream account at

💡 Note: this is a library for the Feeds product. The Chat SDKs can be found here.

⚙️ Installation

Install from NPM/YARN

npm install getstream

or if you are using yarn

yarn add getstream

Using JS deliver

<script src=""></script>

⚠️ This will pull the latest which can be breaking for your application. Always pin a specific version as follows:

<script src=""></script>

Install by downloading the JS file

JS / Minified JS

⚠️ Beware about the version you're pulling. It's the latest by default which can break your app anytime.

📚 Full documentation

Documentation for this JavaScript client are available at the Stream website.

Using with React Native

This package can be integrated into React Native applications. Remember to not expose the App Secret in browsers, "native" mobile apps, or other non-trusted environments.

✨ Getting started

API client setup Node

import { connect } from 'getstream';
// or if you are on commonjs
const { connect } = require('getstream');

// Instantiate a new client (server side)
const client = connect('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET');
// Optionally supply the app identifier and an options object specifying the data center to use and timeout for requests (15s)
const client = connect('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET', 'APP_ID', { location: 'us-east', timeout: 15000 });

API client setup Node + Browser

If you want to use the API client directly on your web/mobile app you need to generate a user token server-side and pass it.

Server-side token generation

import { connect } from 'getstream';
// or if you are on commonjs
const { connect } = require('getstream');

// Instantiate a new client (server side)
const client = connect('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET');
// Optionally supply the app identifier and an options object specifying the data center to use and timeout for requests (15s)
const client = connect('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET', 'APP_ID', { location: 'us-east', timeout: 15000 });
// Create a token for user with id "the-user-id"
const userToken = client.createUserToken('the-user-id');

⚠️ Client checks if it's running in a browser environment with a secret and throws an error for a possible security issue of exposing your secret. If you are running backend code in Google Cloud or you know what you're doing, you can specify browser: false in options to skip this check.

const client = connect('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET', 'APP_ID', { browser: false });

Client API init

import { connect } from 'getstream';
// or if you are on commonjs
const { connect } = require('getstream');
// Instantiate new client with a user token
const client = connect('apikey', userToken, 'appid');


// Instantiate a feed object server side
user1 = client.feed('user', '1');

// Get activities from 5 to 10 (slow pagination)
user1.get({ limit: 5, offset: 5 });
// Filter on an id less than a given UUID
user1.get({ limit: 5, id_lt: 'e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0' });

// All API calls are performed asynchronous and return a Promise object
  .get({ limit: 5, id_lt: 'e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0' })
  .then(function (body) {
    /* on success */
  .catch(function (reason) {
    /* on failure, reason.error contains an explanation */

// Create a new activity
activity = { actor: 1, verb: 'tweet', object: 1, foreign_id: 'tweet:1' };
// Create a bit more complex activity
activity = {
  actor: 1,
  verb: 'run',
  object: 1,
  foreign_id: 'run:1',
  course: { name: 'Golden Gate park', distance: 10 },
  participants: ['Thierry', 'Tommaso'],
  started_at: new Date(),

// Remove an activity by its id
// or remove by the foreign id
user1.removeActivity({ foreign_id: 'tweet:1' });

// mark a notification feed as read
notification1 = client.feed('notification', '1');
params = { mark_read: true };

// mark a notification feed as seen
params = { mark_seen: true };

// Follow another feed
user1.follow('flat', '42');

// Stop following another feed
user1.unfollow('flat', '42');

// Stop following another feed while keeping previously published activities
// from that feed
user1.unfollow('flat', '42', { keepHistory: true });

// Follow another feed without copying the history
user1.follow('flat', '42', { limit: 0 });

// List followers, following
user1.followers({ limit: '10', offset: '10' });
user1.following({ limit: '10', offset: '0' });

user1.follow('flat', '42');

// adding multiple activities
activities = [
  { actor: 1, verb: 'tweet', object: 1 },
  { actor: 2, verb: 'tweet', object: 3 },

// specifying additional feeds to push the activity to using the to param
// especially useful for notification style feeds
to = ['user:2', 'user:3'];
activity = {
  to: to,
  actor: 1,
  verb: 'tweet',
  object: 1,
  foreign_id: 'tweet:1',

// adding one activity to multiple feeds
feeds = ['flat:1', 'flat:2', 'flat:3', 'flat:4'];
activity = {
  actor: 'User:2',
  verb: 'pin',
  object: 'Place:42',
  target: 'Board:1',

// ⚠️ server-side only!
client.addToMany(activity, feeds);

// Batch create follow relations (let flat:1 follow user:1, user:2 and user:3 feeds in one single request)
follows = [
  { source: 'flat:1', target: 'user:1' },
  { source: 'flat:1', target: 'user:2' },
  { source: 'flat:1', target: 'user:3' },

// ⚠️ server-side only!

// Updating parts of an activity
set = {
  'product.price': 19.99,
  shares: {
    facebook: '...',
    twitter: '...',
unset = ['daily_likes', 'popularity'];
// ID
  id: '54a60c1e-4ee3-494b-a1e3-50c06acb5ed4',
  set: set,
  unset: unset,
// ...or by combination of foreign ID and time
  foreign_id: 'product:123',
  time: '2016-11-10T13:20:00.000000',
  set: set,
  unset: unset,

// ⚠️ server-side only!
// Create redirect urls
impression = {
  content_list: ['tweet:1', 'tweet:2', 'tweet:3'],
  user_data: 'tommaso',
  location: 'email',
  feed_id: 'user:global',
engagement = {
  content: 'tweet:2',
  label: 'click',
  position: 1,
  user_data: 'tommaso',
  location: 'email',
  feed_id: 'user:global',
events = [impression, engagement];
redirectUrl = client.createRedirectUrl('', 'user_id', events);

// update the 'to' fields on an existing activity
// client.feed("user", "ken").function (foreign_id, timestamp, new_targets, added_targets, removed_targets)
// new_targets, added_targets, and removed_targets are all arrays of feed IDs
// either provide only the `new_targets` parameter (will replace all targets on the activity),
// OR provide the added_targets and removed_targets parameters
// NOTE - the updateActivityToTargets method is not intended to be used in a browser environment.
client.feed('user', 'ken').updateActivityToTargets('foreign_id:1234', timestamp, ['feed:1234']);
client.feed('user', 'ken').updateActivityToTargets('foreign_id:1234', timestamp, null, ['feed:1234']);
client.feed('user', 'ken').updateActivityToTargets('foreign_id:1234', timestamp, null, null, ['feed:1234']);


import { connect, UR, EnrichedActivity, NotificationActivity } from 'getstream';

type User1Type = { name: string; username: string; image?: string };
type User2Type = { name: string; avatar?: string };
type ActivityType = { attachments: string[]; text: string };
type Collection1Type = { cid: string; rating?: number };
type Collection2Type = { branch: number; location: string };

type ReactionType = { text: string };
type ChildReactionType = { text?: string };

type StreamType = {
  userType: User1Type | User2Type,
  activityType: ActivityType,
  collectionType: Collection1Type | Collection2Type,
  reactionType: ReactionType,
  childReactionType: ChildReactionType,
  personalizationType: UR,

const client = connect<StreamType>('api_key', 'secret!', 'app_id');

// if you have different union types like "User1Type | User2Type" you can use type guards as follow:
function isUser1Type(user: User1Type | User2Type): user is User1Type {
  return (user as User1Type).username !== undefined;

  .then((user) => {
    const { data, id } = user;
    if (isUser1Type(data)) return data.username;
    return id;

// notification: StreamFeed<StreamType>
const timeline = client.feed('timeline', 'feed_id');
timeline.get({ withOwnChildren: true, withOwnReactions: true }).then((response) => {
  // response: FeedAPIResponse<StreamType>
  if ( !== '') return;

  return (response.results as EnrichedActivity<StreamType>[]).map((activity) => {
    return + activity.text + ( as User2Type).name;

// notification: StreamFeed<StreamType>
const notification = client.feed('notification', 'feed_id');
notification.get({ mark_read: true, mark_seen: true }).then((response) => {
  // response: FeedAPIResponse<StreamType>
  if (response.unread || response.unseen) return;

  return (response.results as NotificationActivity<ActivityType>[]).map((activityGroup) => {
    const { activities, id, verb, activity_count, actor_count } = activityGroup;
    return activities[0].text + id + actor_count + activity_count + verb;

client.collections.get('collection_1', 'taco').then((item: CollectionEntry<StreamType>) => {
  if ( return { []: };

Realtime (Faye)

Stream uses Faye for realtime notifications. Below is quick guide to subscribing to feed changes

const { connect } = require('getstream');

// ⚠️ userToken is generated server-side (see previous section)
const client = connect('YOUR_API_KEY', userToken, 'APP_ID');
const user1 = client.feed('user', '1');

// subscribe to the changes
const subscription = user1.subscribe(function (data) {
// now whenever something changes to the feed user 1
// the callback will be called

// To cancel a subscription you can call cancel on the
// object returned from a subscribe call.
// This will remove the listener from this channel.

Docs are available on

⚠️ Node version requirements & Browser support

This API Client project requires Node.js v16 at a minimum.

The project is supported in line with the Node.js Foundation Release Working Group.

See the github action configuration for details of how it is built, tested and packaged.

♻️ Contributing

See extensive at test documentation for your changes.

You can find generic API documentation enriched by code snippets from this package at

Copyright and License Information

Project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause.

We welcome code changes that improve this library or fix a problem, please make sure to follow all best practices and add tests if applicable before submitting a Pull Request on Github. We are very happy to merge your code in the official repository. Make sure to sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) first. See our license file for more details.

🧑‍💻 We are hiring!

We've recently closed a $38 million Series B funding round and we keep actively growing. Our APIs are used by more than a billion end-users, and you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world.

Check out our current openings and apply via Stream's website.