
Ensure a git repo exists on disk and that it's up-to-date

git, clone, pull, javascript, nodegit, nodejs, npm-package, small-modules
npm install git-clone-or-pull@2.0.1



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Ensure a git repo exists on disk and that it's up-to-date


npm install git-clone-or-pull

Node 4.x or greater is required. The module will probably work on Node 0.12, but the tests do not. So I wouldn't count on it.


Simple example:

var cloneOrPull = require('git-clone-or-pull');
var path = require('path');

cloneOrPull('git://', path.join(process.cwd(), 'node-git-clone-or-pull'), function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;

    // Use repo

The cloneOrPull() function takes three arguments. In order:

url (String) - the URL to clone from

opts (String or Object) the pathname to clone to if a String, otherwise an object containing module options (see "Options" below)

callback (Function) function callback that will be called upon completion of the clone or pull. If there is an error, it will be passed as the first argument.


path (String) - the pathname to clone to. If a String is provided instead of an options Object, it will be used as path's value.

implementation (String) - the implementation to use; defaults to nodegit in most cases (see "Implementations" below)

branch (String) - the branch to use; defaults to master (even if the default upstream branch is something else)


  • nodegit uses NodeGit, the libgit2 bindings for Node.
  • subprocess is based on spawning git subprocesses (which means you need a git binary installed).

Implementation is determined with the following algorithm:

  1. If opts.implementation exists its value will be used as the implementation; if that implementation is unavailable an error will be returned to the callback
  2. If NodeGit can be loaded, the implementation will be nodegit
  3. If git --version returns an exit code of 0, the implementation will be subprocess
  4. No implementation can be found and an error will be returned to the callback

Each implementation has its negatives: nodegit makes installation slightly more complicated. subprocess works on most systems - but it requires an external binary.


LGPL 3.0+


AJ Jordan