Framework agnostic data control utility for js/ts application.

typescript, infer, rbac, acl, utility, agnostic, data control, astro, auth, authorization, cookie, jwt, nuxt, ssr
npm install hansip@0.9.0-alpha.4



Authorization library for building SSR app.

Hansip adalah authorisasi library. Konsep dari hansip adalah authentikasi haruslah berasal dari API dan aplikasi front-end hanya melakukan authorisasi terhadap token yang diberikan oleh API. Hansip akan mencari token dalam cookie / header / url mengikuti kebutuhan mu.

this package is not stable.

use with your own risk.


install hansip as dependency

npm install hansip | yarn add hansip | pnpm add hansip


import { createCookieSession } from 'hansip'

// get your cookie
const cookie = request.headers.get('cookie')
const session = createCookieSession({
  cookie: cookie,
  tokenName: 'token',      // cookie name for jwt token.
  refreshName: 'refresh',  // token refresh name. optional
  cookieOptions: { 
      check cookie.serialize options for detailed info

      domain?: string | undefined,
      expires?: Date | undefined,
      httpOnly?: boolean | undefined,
      maxAge?: number | undefined,
      path?: string | undefined,
      priority?: 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' | undefined,
      sameSite?: true | false | 'lax' | 'strict' | 'none' | undefined,
      secure?: boolean | undefined,

const { token } = session.get()

// do anything you want with token.
if (!token) {
  // redirect on token not found or validation false
  return redirect()

response.headers.set('Set-Cookie', session.serialize.token())
response.headers.set('Set-Cookie', session.serialize.refresh())
// send response with token in cookie


import { detectURL, createCookieSession } from 'hansip'

const session = createCookieSession({ tokenName: 'token' })
const url = new URL(request.url, 'http://localhost')

const found = detectURL(url, { tokenName: 'access_token', refreshName: 'refresh_token' })
if (!found.token) {
  // redirect on token undefined

// do anything you want with token and refresh token
const validatedToken = found.token
if (!validatedToken) {
  // if token not valid redirect

session.set(validatedToken, validatedToken)
response.headers.set('Set-Cookie', session.serialize.token())
response.headers.set('Set-Cookie', session.serialize.refresh())
// send response with token in cookie


  • JWT utility / helper
  • ... ?