
A hubot script for manage AWS ECS cluster by ecs-cli.

ecs, hubot
npm install hubot-ecs-cli@1.0.1



A hubot script for manage AWS ECS cluster via ecs-cli.


In hubot project repo, run:

npm install hubot-ecs-cli --save

Then add hubot-ecs-cli to your external-scripts.json:



hubot-ecs-cli can use hubot-auth for restrict usage to certain roles.


hubot ecs-cli list-cluster - Lists all of the ECS clusters.
hubot ecs-cli <cluster name> list-project - Lists all of the ECS projects in your cluster.
hubot ecs-cli <cluster name> ps - Lists all of the running containers in default ECS cluster.
hubot ecs-cli <cluster name> <project name> compose service ps - Lists all the containers in your cluster that belong to the service created with the compose project.
hubot ecs-cli <cluster name> <project name> compose service up - Creates an ECS service from your compose file (if it does not already exist) and runs one instance of that task on your cluster (a combination of create and start). This command updates the desired count of the service to 1.
hubot ecs-cli <cluster name> <project name> list-image - Lists all the images in your cluster that belong to the service created with the compose project.
hubot ecs-cli <cluster name> <project name> update-image <new image> - Updates your compose file with the new image.


hubot> @hubot ecs-cli list-cluster

hubot> Clusters:
hubot>   default

hubot> @hubot ecs-cli default list-project
hubot>   example

hubot> @hubot @user has default_admin role
hubot>   OK, user has the 'default_admin' role.


The ECS cluster default path is hubot_dir/node_modules/hubot-ecs-cli/src/ecs/, you can override this path by set environment variable HUBOT_ECS_CLUSTER_PATH, and use cluster name as the directory name, then put your Docker Compose file into HUBOT_ECS_CLUSTER_PATH/<cluster-name>, Docker compose name as the ECS project name, the default authorized roles are admin and ecs_admin, and you can use environment variable HUBOT_ECS_AUTHORIZED_ROLES to override it.

Running hubot-ecs-cli on Docker

export HUBOT_AUTH_ADMIN=slack_user_id_1,slack_user_id_2
export HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=slack_token
export HUBOT_ECS_AUTHORIZED_ROLES=admin,ecs_admin
export HUBOT_ECS_CLUSTER_PATH=/root/mybot/ecs_cluster

docker rm -f redis_hubot_ecs_cli &>/dev/null
docker run \
    -d \
    --name redis_hubot_ecs_cli \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    -v "$(pwd)/data":/data:rw \
    redis:3.2.0-alpine \
    redis-server --appendonly yes

docker rm -f hubot_ecs_cli &>/dev/null
docker run \
    -d \
    --name=hubot_ecs_cli \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    -e "REDIS_PORT=tcp://redis:6379" \
    -v "${HOME}/.ecs/cluster":/root/mybot/ecs_cluster:rw \
    -v "${HOME}/.ecs/config":/root/.ecs/config:ro \
    --link redis_hubot_ecs_cli:redis \


This project is BSD-3-Clause Licensed.