
The offical Material Theme for Hyper.app

hyperterm, hyper, hyper.app, material, material theme, theme, material-theme
npm install hyper-material-theme@2.0.3


Material Theme for Hyper Hyper Material Theme

Codacy Badge

Hyper Material Theme

This is the official Material Theme porting for Hyper App.

1. Installation

Just edit your ~/.hyper.js file (Hyper > Preferences...) and add hyper-material-theme to plugins: [] array.

plugins: ['hyper-material-theme'],

2. Configuration

This theme provides settings that you MUST add in your ~/.hyper.js file inside the config key the colors object.

    config: {
      MaterialTheme: {
          // Set the theme variant,
          // OPTIONS: 'Darker', 'Palenight', 'Ocean', ''
          theme: '',
          // [Optional] Set the rgba() app background opacity, useful when enableVibrance is true
          // OPTIONS: From 0.1 to 1
          backgroundOpacity: '1',
          // [Optional] Set the accent color for the current active tab
          accentColor: '#64FFDA',
          // [Optional] Mac Only. Need restart. Enable the vibrance and blurred background
          // OPTIONS: 'dark', 'ultra-dark', 'bright'
          // NOTE: The backgroundOpacity should be between 0.1 and 0.9 to see the effect.
          vibrancy: 'dark'



Then restart the app

3. Customizable props

There are also some Hyper's customizable props directly from the config prop that will override the ones within the Material Theme default configurations:

  config: {
    cursorColor: '',
    padding: '',
    foregroundColor: ''
    termCss: ''
    css: ''